Dinosaur, elephant, lion, knight in armor: how Socuritypert from Grodno creates sculptures


With an employee of the Office of the State Committee of Judicial Examination on the Grodno Region V.I. Mazevsky, I met to learn about his unusual passion: Viktor Ivanovich makes the sculptures from cement, turning a rash gray mass in bright fabulous characters, animals and birds. But during our conversation, it turned out that this amount of his hobbies is not limited to ...

Dinosaur, elephant, lion, knight in armor: how Socuritypert from Grodno creates sculptures 7604_1

Victor Mazievsky - a specialist whose profession can hardly be called ordinary. He works as a state medical judicial expert of the management of forensic medical examinations UGCE. However, the question in this material will not make a mechanism for injuries or the study of the bodies of dead people by opening, but about what allows my interlocutor to restore vitality, brings positive emotions. After all, they are known - the best cure for stress.

Sculptures, some of which exceed human growth, Viktor Ivanovich created on his summer cottage. Heard about his work acquaintances were often interested in exactly how these fabulous characters look like. Therefore, so as not to carry everyone far beyond the city, V. Mazievsky decided to make a photographic reconciliation with his works. With her and get acquainted, sitting in the desktop.

Dinosaur, elephant, lion, stork, knight in armor ... The creation of these and other figures Victor dedicated a lot of time. "The manufacture of sculptures is a matter of not one day. The weeks go to it, and then months of painstaking work, "says the interlocutor.

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From his words, no art school he endanted, but since childhood it was pretty well. Just once, being in the country, decided to bring a variety of landscape. And, I must say, I chose a very unusual way for this: make a figure from cement. And a talented person with a rich fantasy, as a rule, one work is shortly turning into two, three, four, etc.

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The author approached the creation of each sculpture with the soul, patiently and carefully embodying this or that idea. At the same time, he decided not to resort to the use of special forms that facilitate the manufacture of figures, and to do everything manually, step by step. For example, a knight, whose armor is decorated with a lot of small details, sculpted in his free time for eight months.

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"Somehow I was asked how much I evaluate the cost of all my works. But it is impossible to translate it only on bags with cement! This is also the time spent, and inspiration. And how to evaluate them? ", Expert comments.

And then Viktor Ivanovich shows a photo on which the soldier's helmet is depicted ... so I find out about another enthusiasm of my interlocutor. "Once I saw on the" flea market "an old rusty soldier's hard hat. It was in such a deplorable state as the price was appropriate. I decided: why not try to restore it, "says V.Mazevsky. During the experiments with various anti-corrosion products (as it turned out, many of them did not differ at all of them the miraculous properties that were referred to in advertising), Viktor, finally managed to get rid of rust covering a protective helmet. After - the primer, putty of irregularities and chipping, per-peel, paint coating ... Casque has become new!

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Now there are several helmets in the expert collection, including flight, militia, tank, German helmet M38 sample in 1938 and others. But, perhaps, the most beloved copy is Prussian Soldier Pickelhelm (1915). This is a pointed helmet made of outward treated glossy-black skin. Its base is enhanced by metal elements, the coke depicts the emblem of Prussia - Eagle. At the parade in the upper part of the sharp spike, a plume from horse-haired was put on a helmet through a spike.

No less delight causes another collection of Viktor Ivanovich! Over the years, he collects pocket, wall and fireplace watches. The oldest of them are manufactured by Le Roi A Paris - date back to 1880. They are in working condition, wall mounted, with battle.

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"Most of the clock required repair and recovery, since, unfortunately, the time does not spare old things, sometimes leaving them indelible prints. Something cleaned himself, I gave something to the restoration of masters. It all started with the fact that about 15 years ago, reading the advertising newspaper, I saw an announcement of the sale of hours with a battle. It was "amber" of the 60-70 years in working condition, for which the seller asked some kind of symbolic amount. Bought, hung in the corridor. Then I purchased one more. Now the collection takes two and a half walls in one room and one more to another, "V.Mazevsky shares.

"And if they start beat at the same time?" - I'm interested in the source. - "It's not interesting, it turns out a root. We start them with a difference in a few minutes. Then they sound overflow on all walls. But the clock does not work constantly, periodically for three or four months rest. "

Viktor Ivanovich confesses the hobby for it is the source of energy and positive. After all, when the work occupies a majority of life when it is intense and intense, it is necessary to allocate space for something else. For what distracts from bustle and negative thoughts, relaxes and pleases. This is the ability to reboot and, moreover, expand the horizons, reports the Sudexpert.grodno.by portal.

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