5 of the most reliable ways to keep the chief document on Bitcoin for descendants


Waitpeeper Bitcoin was published in 2008 an anonymous creator of Cryptocolivota Satosha Nakamoto on the site of Bitcoin.org. The document was placed under the MIT license - as well as the rest of the cryptocurrency code. Therefore, all this was the property of the public, that is, anyone could use the prosumen's fruits. However, the need for maintaining the main document on the first cryptocurrency is still there. And this is actively engaged.

Recall, Waitpeeper is a document on the first cryptocurrency, in which its developer Satoshi Nakamoto outlined the main features of his project. In particular, it is mentioned in it the basics of motivation for miners, the confidentiality of network participants and other important differences. You can get acquainted with the contents of the Waitpeeper in a separate material.

Most recently, the "freedom" of Weitpeeper was threatened due to the encroachment of the developer of Craig Wright, who stated his rights to the document. Wright at one time received the nickname "Faketoshi" - that is, "Fake Satoshi" - since he has been unsuccessful for several years to prove that he is allegedly the same Satoshi dynamo.

However, for all this time, it was not able to confirm its involvement in the development of BTC. Moreover, all such attempts only convinced the cryptocurrency community that Wright is only a pion on this topic.

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Craig Wright

Administrators of Bitcoin.org refused to fulfill the requirements of Wright and received support for the cryptocurrency community, but some platforms still went to the developer to avoid possible problems. Whatever it was, it is no longer worth worrying about the fate of the chief document on Bitcoin. Now the inviolability of Waitpeeper is successfully ensured by five ways.

Witepeing Hosting Governments

The chief document Bitcoin can be found on the official websites of some governments, including Colombia, Estonia and the United States of America. For example, on the website of the Estonian government, the enshrined Wetepeyper is accompanied by the following message.

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Preface to Wytpeiper on the official website of the Estonian government

President of the President of Columbia Yehechi Castro placed a link to the document at his twitter, noting that the government of his country was also a collapse of the priesthood of the heritage of Satosha Dzamoto, reports Decrypt.

The United States Government also published Waitpeeper on the US Sentence Commission website. In addition, the representative of the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives of Patrick McChenri posted a copy of the official document on the website of the Congress.

In other words, the information from Waitpeeper is unlikely to ever be lost by mankind. The innovative effect of Bitcoin on the world was recognized even at the level of governments, and this is already a lot of things.

Especially bright prospects of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency began after the recent investment in the BTC company Tesla. The manufacturer's guide invested in a 1.5 billion dollars in a coin and, in addition plans to take bitcoins as payment.

Decentralized networks as a spare plan

Waitpeeper Bitcoin is in the interplanetary file system (IPFS) and the so-called Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

Recall, IPFS is a one-alone network for storing and exchanging data in a distributed file system. Each file is uniquely identified using a specific content addressing. Well, Ethereum Name Service is an open name system that is built on the Ethereum blockchain and uses domain names. The platform displays readable names instead of long and difficult to memorize traditional complex addresses, which simplifies sending ETH to other ENS users.

By the way, in the ENS Waitpeyper Bitcoin appeared with the filing of the Twitter user under Nick Philomath. On January 21, he recommended to place a document in IPFS and ENS. The Director of Operations in the ENS Bartley Millegan has quickly responded to this message. Already a few hours later, Waitpeyper was placed in the system.

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Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency

Decentralized peer-to-wear networks are very good, since the content in them is almost impossible to set censorship or remove from the supply of any centralized organ or person. That is, lovers cryptocurrency have at least two other sources for preserving the heritage of Satoshi Dunzamo.

Witepeiper hosting companies

If even governments seek to maintain information about Bitcoin, many cryptocurrency companies and are apparently working on it. For example, you can find Waitpeeper on the websites of the subsidiary of Facebook called Novi, Casa, Square, Coin Center, Nydig and Kraken Exchange.

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KRAKEN Exchange Logo

It is only one of the most famous organizations that decide the aforementioned problem. All of them are much larger.

Waitpeeper in the blockchain

In addition to websites, Waitpeeper Bitcoin can also be found in the Blockchalname of cryptocurrencies. Here it is stored in parts as a PDF file. Kriptoentuziast Jimmy Song in his article placed on Twitter said how to get to the cherished document.

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Bitcoin exists for more than twelve years

If you briefly: all you need to do is identify certain data fragments with multiple signatures and organize them in one file to remove the Waitpeeper in the form of PDF. Sounds quite confusing, right? If it is too difficult, Song offers another way. Using the program called Bitcoind, any user can run the Python script to access the document from the blockchain. At least it is a little simpler.

Waitpeeper in the real world

The latter and, probably, the most exotic way to admire the legacy of Satoshi Dzamoto - Download a 3D copy of the Bitcoin Waitpeeper and keep it on the local medium. You can do this on the Privacy Pros website, which specializes in providing secure solutions for storing private keys. Render can be estimated in the user under the Nick Mikeinspace.

Render is part of the presentation of the real goods that the company sells. This is a large plate with applied document text. Question price - 199 dollars. Such an interior decoration is clearly issued in the buyer of the real fan of the blockchain.

In addition, he will make his contribution to the decentralized storage of the Waitpeeper. Alternative to a large plate - a poster on the wall with the text of the Waitpeeper. Twitter user under Nick Tomerrrrrrrrr Strolight demonstrated on his page exactly how the poster looks like.

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Selfie Tomerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr on a poster background

As you can see, encroaching Wright or anyone else on the main information about the first cryptocurrency can not be crowned with success. Too many people are aware of Bitcoin, and too much cryptoentziasts are ready to do everything to keep the idea of ​​Crypt for future descendants. Therefore, the legacy of Satoshi will remain unscathed. And forever.

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