Three ships of the Pacific Fleet "Hued" behind the submarine

Three ships of the Pacific Fleet

Guards Order Nakhimova Rocket cruiser "Varyag", the modernized Fregat "Marshal Shaposhnikov" and the Great Anti-Layered Ship "Admiral Tributz" held in the Gulf of Peter the Great Teaching Teaching, tracking the submarine of the conditional opponent and its destruction.

As told on Thursday, March 4, in the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the actions of the surface ships, playing the side of the opponent, provided a large diesel submarine of the seaside flotilla of heterogeneous forces. Its tasks included secretive maneuvering in the areas of teaching and evasion from the attack of surface ships.

Support for ships rendered an IL-38N anti-submarine aircraft. "Varyag", "Marshal Shaposhnikov" and "Admiral Tributz", each in its sector of the landfill, was searching for submarines. After the exchange of data and the establishment of the coordinates of the submarine, the ships attacked submarine with reactive depth bombs. Then it was conditionally completed by a volley torpedi.

"Varyag" - a rocket cruiser of the project 1164, the flagship ship of the Pacific Fleet. The displacement of the cruiser is 11,380 tons, the body length is 186 meters, width - 20.8 meters. It is able to develop speed up to 34 knots. The crew is 510 people. The main shock armament of the cruiser - 16 launchers of Rockets P-1000 "Volcano". In addition, it is equipped with artillery, air defense missile agents, OSA-M SPC, torpedo devices and reactive plants for leading fire bombs.

"Admiral Tribuz" and "Marshal Shaposhnikov" - Large anti-submarine ships of the project 1155 ("Marshal Shaposhnikov" in 2020 was modernized and is now classified as frigate).

After the modernization of the Marshal of Shaposhnikov, is equipped with modern complexes of shock missile weapons "Calibr-NK" and "Uranus".

Three ships of the Pacific Fleet
Fregat "Marshal Shaposhnikov" after the modernization of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Project BOD 1155 with complete displacement of 7480 tons and a length of 163 meters develop speeds up to 29.5 nodes. The arms of each ship is eight launchers of the SPK "Dagger" (64 rockets), two four-circuit plants of the Rocket-torpedo "Petrel", reactive bombing plants of RBU-6000, as well as artillery installations AK-100 and AK-630M.

Based on

Capital photo of GRKR "Varyag", Source: TOPWAR.RU

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