"Children do not need to repair. They must be heard ": Former teacher wrote a post about how the pandemic influenced schoolchildren


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The academic year 2020/2021 is still quite intense: the coronavirus pandemic constantly puts the school at risk of closing, quarantine and distance learning.

Following the concern for the health of children, the parents appeared another alarm - that all this leapshell with a permanent transition to the remote and returning from it will appear on the academic success of schoolchildren - they will not have time to go through everything that is prescribed by the program, and in general will be lagging behind.

A teacher at pensions and grandmother Teresa Snyder wrote on his page on Facebook post, which was addressed to everyone who could not stop worrying about childhood performance in the midst of a pandemic - parents and teachers who feel the pressure as quickly as possible to catch up during the distance. The post of Teresa, published on December 6, scored more than six thousand likes and more than 11 thousand reposts. Translated it with small contractions.

"Dear friends and colleagues! Today I am writing you about Pandemic Children. I almost all my life worked with young people, and now I feel the need to respond to anxiety, which many of my friends express - that when children finally return to school, they will lag behind the program. My God, what a disappointing reason for concern in the face of a pandemic, which influenced millions of people in the country and around the world.

My main fear of this is connected with this time when children return to schools. I am afraid that in our desire to "catch everything," we will miss what they are, and that they learned about this unprecedented era.

What do we try to catch? When children return to school, they will return to a new story in which we will have to help them figure out. When children return to school, we will have to listen to them. Let them tell their stories. They lived unique for modern year. It is impossible to appreciate what they learned during this time.

Remember that during this year their brain was not in standby mode. Perhaps he was not busy with learning traditional training materials, but he did not stop learning. Perhaps their brain was engaged in what was thinking about when they could eat next time, how to take care of the younger brother or sister, how less to miss the grandmother how to cope with pet separation, or how to survive death. Our task is to take them back and help them write this story.

I sincerely urge my colleagues to abandon fake constructs that measure achievements, and meet children where they are, and not where they, in our opinion, should be. Resist the pressure of those who want to "fix everything" or catch the "missed" time. They did not miss this time, they invested him in survival in the special historical period of their life - our lives. These children do not need to repair. They are not broken. They must be heard. We have to give them so many tools as we can, to make them hardy and help them will adapt to the world after a pandemic. "

Perhaps someone is the message of Teresa Snyder may seem too dramatic, however, we recommend that you pay attention to another. Despite the fact that restrictive measures in different countries vary greatly, it cannot be said that the pandemic did not have any influence on our children. Someone had to be less likely to meet with friends, someone had to abandon the circles and sections, someone moved to distance education, which - let's recognize - it is very difficult, especially for young children.

And yes, education is important, but the pandemic showed us that there are many things in the world more than square roots and inflows of Yenisei. For example, health (including psychological and emotional), family, mutual support, friendly relations that are able to survive even in Zuma. And now, in a hectic pandemic time, probably, it is better to concentrate on the most important thing - and the school curriculum children will definitely hug when the time comes.

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