"Tribes of Europe" plunge the old light in the postpocalyptic medieval


Netflix still has a wonderful feeling of moment. The details of the series "Tribes of Europe" were kept secret to the premiere itself, but the bright name and the authors of the "darkness" in the producers were heated by themselves.

It was also known that we are talking about a postpocalyptic adventure - ideal, if neither twist, genre for the current difficult times. Filip Koh's Scripts and Florian Baxmeyer came up with the plot even before the pandemic - the inspiration served as a braces, which would stronger about what will happen if Europe is again divided into individual peoples hostile to each other. The cause of decomposition was, however, not political contradictions, but Blackout, which, according to the series, is waiting for us in 2029.

The action unfolds 45 years after the catastrophe. The usual territories have become painful ruins overgrown with forests, and the united once people divided into groups of interests. In the center of the plot, three children of the Origini tribe: Liv (Henrietta Confucurius), Elia (David Ali Rashid) and Kiano (Emilio Sakraya). Near the nature of the nature of the people, the mysterious Atlantians, who managed to keep the former technologies in some way to keep the steel technologies in some way. The pilot gives Elya Artifact - the cube to be delivered to the mysterious ark to save the world from the black cloud impending from the east. However, warlike crows are attacked by the target of the Origin, which kill some of the forest inhabitants, and some (including Kiano) are taken captivated to work at toxic production. While Elia, along with the smuggler Moses (Oliver Mazucchi), is trying to get to the ark, who saved Liv joins the tribe of Crimson - NATO fragments, seeking to return Europe to the pristine state. Kianano becomes the favorite of one of the leaders of the Voronov named Varvara (Melika forustin).

The first episode of the "tribes of Europe" does not inspire special confidence: it seems that all this heavy multifigure design, if it does not collapse under its own weight, it simply will not be able to move. However, the action is already accelerated by the third series, and skillful installation does not get confused in plot intricateings. The authors do not just bet on fantasy in the entourage of the new Middle Ages, but offer MASS-AP from the "Game of Thrones" and "Hungry Games", which, maybe not amazing the imagination, but it works surprisingly. Netflix does not yet give the Germans of the HBO level budgets, but they are completely replaced by industrial landscapes and the work of the makeup, who invented a bright image for each character. The tribes and themselves differ quite strongly, and the action changes the focal length between private drama and cataclysms of a civilizational scale.

"The tribes of Europe", as it does Netflix at all, tease the audience, issuing the history of history over the whole season - the sixth episode ends where the most interesting thing should begin. However, in this case, this trick is much more intrigued than annoying - in the end, every epic needs a thorough prologue, right? Here and the "Tribes of Europe" begin as a secondary post-apocalyptic fantasy, and the story of the season promises a story about building a new world - the plot is much more fascinating than any "hungry games". And this is not to mention that in the last series we see a new Amazon from the Femen tribe, which I also want to know in more detail.

Photo: Netflix.

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