Why the state constantly saves French AvtoVAZ at the expense of the budget and why it is bad

Why the state constantly saves French AvtoVAZ at the expense of the budget and why it is bad 7522_1

If it were not for state support, sales of the way would be much more modest.

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Everyone knows that the state actively supports AvtoVAZ as a barrier utilist, and various programs. All completed that it was necessary to help the domestic producer, but everything turned upside down on January 14, 2021, when the owner of AvtoVAZ - Renault, presented his new strategy.

According to her, Lada since 2025 merges with Romanian Dacia, and absolutely all cars will be made on the French platform. Having exaggerated, AvtoVAZ will turn into an assembly platform, and the engineers will simply do not need.

A logical question arises - where Million gospes left and why these infants continue.

For example, in 2020, 33 billion rubles were allocated to preferential car loans and lease from the budget. The main beneficiary is AvtoVAZ due to a solid share in the market. In 2021, another 15 billion rubles is planned for these purposes.

Why the state constantly saves French AvtoVAZ at the expense of the budget and why it is bad 7522_2

Do not forget about the barrier recycling collection: it constitutes several hundred thousand rubles, but the state compensates for them to automakers who have their own plants in the Russian Federation. In the plus, not only AvtoVAZ, you will tell you. So far, yes, but every year, the Ministry of Industry and Empty increases the localization points from which subsidies are paid. Accordingly, in the near future, only very deeply localized production will receive compensation. And this is AvtoVAZ, UAZ and some more. The remaining cars will rise in price - the sublissor will shift on the shoulders of consumers.

It should be understood that without these measures by the state, the Lada cost where it would be more expensive, and they hardly had such a market share.

AvtoVAZ pays taxes - it's good. Yes, only a joint company of the State Corporation Rostec and Renault - Alliance Rostec AUTO B.V., which owns 100% of the shares of domestic auto giant, is still registered in the offshore in Holland.

Do not forget the property contribution of 75 billion rubles, which made the government in 2008. Now the share of Rosteha is only 32%, the rest is the French.

In the dry residue, only a few tens of thousands of workers and related companies win from supporting AvtoVAZ. Excluding this can be stated - money is flying out into the pipe. But it is Polwy. In pursuit of full localization, the automotive market of Russia is narrowed to several dozen models - most of the foreign manufacturers do not see the meaning in such a deep localization due to a small in the volume of the Russian market, so they are easier to raise prices, and after falling demand - to leave. What we already begin to watch.

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