Giving or not to give: Big Liquses of Dummy and Nipples

Giving or not to give: Big Liquses of Dummy and Nipples 7521_1

Nipple (she is a dummy) for many years remains a recognizable infancy symbol. The shopping bags are sold complete with a bottle, in the hospital sets, be sure to give the pacifier, and indeed it seems the same mandatory attribute of the first year of the child's life, like a stroller.

In fact, a universal answer to the question "Is it worth gipped a child?" Does not exist (as for many other issues of parenthood). Someone perceives it as evil in its pure form, and someone, on the contrary, sees salvation in the nipple and the key to his own calm.

I figured out in this topic, weighed "for" and "against", familiarized with the recommendations of specialists - read, the choice is still yours.

Why do you need a dummy?

If you decide to make a conscious choice in favor of the pacifier, then these are the problems that it helps to solve.

The dummy helps the child calm down.

This is the most obvious effect of the nipples, which parents are counting when they give it to the child. With a nipple in the mouth, the child stops crying, behaves quieter and calmer, in some cases - falls asleep faster. It happens this is not necessarily every time and not with any baby, but if everything happened you, the dummy can help you preserve the decent number of nerve cells.

The dummy reduces the risk of SVDS.

The causes of sudden child mortality syndrome have not yet been studied not to the end, but scientists managed to determine the main factors that can increase or reduce the risk of its occurrence.

We wrote more about the syndrome itself here, but as for dumbers - then they have a good reputation here. Studies have shown that the use of a dummy to fall asleep baby and during sleep reduces the risk of SVDS, despite the fact that it's not possible to justify why this happens, the scientists have not yet been possible.

The dummy helps in the development of premature babies.

Another useful application of the pacifier is found in the departments for premature children - there they are given to suck paws so that they train in the future sucking the chest, which requires even more effort.

The dummy helps to replace the chest when there is no other choice.

In general, it is not recommended to use a nipple when the child is actually required breasts (we will talk a little later about this), but there are cases when there are no other options for the parents - for example, in the car or at the doctor's reception.

What can be dangerous nipples?

Despite the fact that the ability to quickly and easily calm the child seems extremely tempting, often for her parents have to pay a serious price - and it's not about money here. Here, what disadvantages of use are mentioned most often.

Refusal of the chest.

One of the most common problems associated with the deserts is that their use can break breastfeeding. Breast children get used to a certain texture and density of the maternal nipple, and a frequent replacement for his pacifier can mislead children, because of which they will begin to give up his chest or forget, how to bring the chest correctly.

Lack of milk.

Sucking the chest is not only a baby in order to get milk, but also the mother in order to produce milk. Women who prefer to translate a child on a pacifier so that he "did not use breasts like a nipple", risk to get problems with lactation: the less and less often the child sucks the chest, the less milk appears in it.


Children quickly get used to what helps them calm down and feel more comfortable - be it nipple, shaking or sweetness. There are many challenges on the parent path of Mom and Dad, and the use of a pacifier (with which then it will be necessary to somehow part) risks becoming another one.

Night awakening.

If the child is used to fall asleep with a pacifier, then, on the one hand, it will help facilitate the waste process to sleep, and on the other, it can spoil you a night's sleep. This is due to the fact that the child sleeping with a pawless can wake up every time the nipple falls out of his mouth, and parents will have to return it every time.

Problems with teeth.

Studies have shown that long-term use of dusts has an impact on the health of the teeth and the bite of the child - the difference between the state of the teeth in children who stopped sucking the nipple per year, and those that they abandoned it in two years already, is already noticeable.

Middle ear disease.

Non-sterile pacifiers become another source of bacteria in the body of the infant, which can lead to an increase in cases of ears in children. According to research, children who are sucking dummy, on average, three times more often suffer from infectious diseases of the middle ear than those children who do not use nipples.

How to use a pacifier?

If the stated minuses do not embarrass you, and the advantages outweigh (it happens, yes), then, what is important to pay attention, offering a baby's baby.

The age of the child.

Specialists of La Leap League recommend to offer nipples to babies on the GW only after the lactation of the mother already resists, and the baby masterfully wakes the correct grip of the nipple. For children who from birth are on artificial feeding, there are no such restrictions.

The need of a child.

Despite the fact that the dummy helps a baby calm down, it's not always that he just needs it. The dummy should not be a way to solve all children's problems - whether hunger, overwork, or need physically contact. You should not use the nipple in order to replace her breastfeeding or fully satisfy her a reflex of a baby - the dummy should always be a choice of second order, but not the first one.

The desire of the child.

Not all the babies are happily taken dumbfounders - and this is normal. If your child does not want to take a pacifier - at this particular moment or at all - you should not insist and push him a pacifier forcibly, nothing good will come out of it. By the way, covering a dudder with something sweet (for example, syrup or jam) to increase its attractiveness, it is also not worth it - so the child also will earn the caries.

Clean and security.

When using dummy, it is important to comply with all precautions: to offer a baby only clean nipple (for a baby to half a year, a pawned is boiled or washed in a dishwasher, after this age is quite simple washing with water and soap) and refuse to use all sorts of laces and ropes for fastening . It is also not worthwhile to "wash" a children's nipple in its own mouth - it is nonhygienically.

Stay in time.

There is no specific temporary framework for the use of dust, but the general trend is as follows: the sooner finish - the better. Some dentists recommend to teach a child from a pacifier as soon as the first teeth begin to appear, in other sources they advise to abandon this habit between the ages of two to four years (and again it is better to do it in two than four).

What if, because of the pacifiers, there were problems with breastfeeding?

If you want to try to give a child a nipple, but not sure how this will affect your breastfeeding, then here are some tips from La League League, which will help to correct the situation if something goes wrong.

Stop using the pacifier to concentrate on the establishment of HB.

Feed your baby on demand, paying special attention to the child's position on the chest and capture.

Offer your baby breasts from different sides and in different poses.

To awaken an interest with breastfeeding, see a few milk before offering the chest to the child - so it will be easier for it to "dissolve" the chest.

Pay special attention to physical contact with the child.

More often take it on the hands, hug, calm it and contact the skin to the skin.

In time, contact your help.

Contact your breastfeeding consultant, which will help solve the problem before it becomes too serious.

Nipples and pacifiers should absolutely definitely be called the parent mastheva, but in some cases it is much easier with them than without them. The Council can only give only one: make a decision, given all the well-known pros and cons, focus on your own situation and on your own child, and if possible, do not listen to anyone.

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Giving or not to give: Big Liquses of Dummy and Nipples 7521_2

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