Is it dangerous to spathifylum for cats? How to reconcile a plant with animals?

Is it dangerous to spathifylum for cats? How to reconcile a plant with animals? 7517_1

A list of poisonous plants for cats amazes with their length. Despite this, many of them live in the neighborhood with poisonous plants without harm to themselves. But sometimes animals lacking certain nutrients and they instinctively try to get them from the green inhabitants of our windowsides. Today we will talk about spathifylum - is it harmful for cats?

What is dangerous flower? Heads him or not?

Unfortunately, spathifulum represents a threat to cats (whether this flower is dangerous for a person?). Poison is contained in vegetable juice.

If the animal will chew the leaves, then it will be likely to get a rotted cavity burn and will damage the digestive tract. In addition, the poison can get on the mucous eye. Such consequences causes calcium oxalate plant contained in the juice juice.

Calcium oxalate (Cac2O4) is a salt of oxalic acid, it is poorly soluble in water and settles in the renal laughter, which subsequently causes a urolithiasis.

Sorrelic acid is pretty poisonous acid, so its salts also inherited this feature.

Signs of poisoning

  • Student breathing, sometimes intermittent (depending on the severity of poisoning).
  • Vomiting.
  • Increase pulse rate.
  • Apathy, reducing activity.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Thirst.

What if the cat ate spathifylum?

At the first signs of poisoning, take the cat to the veterinary clinic. If this is impossible and an animal has no inflammation in the mouth, try to cause abundant vomiting. Pour into the throat with a syringe without a needle, a mixture of warm water and hydrogen peroxide 1: 1. As an alternative, you can use a solution of one teaspoon salt or mustard on a glass of warm water.

Try not to allow poison to the intestines. Pour a mixture of milk, egg whites and vegetable oil in cat throat. Warm enema will also help the animal. If possible, all these procedures are better to entrust the specialist.

How to keep the plant and protect your pet?

Cat owners do not always want to part with poisonous indoor plants, especially with expensive and rare instances. What to do, not to damage the animal health?

Observe the following precautions:

  1. Put in pots with poisonous flowers on the top shelves or cabinets, for which the cat will not be able to climb;
  2. Periodically spray the leaves of plants with lemon juice (other citrus fruits will also rise) or put pieces / peeling of the fetus directly into the pot - cats do not like spicy fruit flavors, so they will certainly do not get to the pot.
  3. Another non-hazardous liquid with bitter taste is suitable: it needs to spit stems and spathiflow leaves.
  4. Surround the spathifylum small pots with cacti, thus creating a "barbed fence" (however, there is a risk of tipping cacti). Also, cactuses should be edible, as it can get to them.
  5. Treat windowsill with vinegar solution.
  6. If possible, use suspension porridge.
  7. Put near dangerous colors of plants with a resistant aroma (Mandarin, Kincan, Cancine Koleus).
  8. You can try to develop a persistent disgust for domestic flowers from the cat. To do this, spray it with water from the pulverizer immediately after it tries the flower. For the formation of a useful habit, a lot of time can escape.

It is important to understand that the cat is not a whim crepts the plants, but obeying the natural call. Therefore, the best option will be the purchase of special grass for cats in the pet store. It grows all year round. Only having received the necessary trace elements, the animal will cease to be interested in home plants, including spathifylum.

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