Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit


Baroque with Italian is translated as "quaint." That is how the pearls of large size and irregular shape were called in Portugal. The style originated in the late XVI century existed all the 18th century, covering many types of art, including jewelry skills.

Baroque decorations features luxury, bulk and splendor, which today inspire talented jewelers. Directly during the baroque period, jewelry were divided into accessories for day yields and evening outfits. Baroque decorations - originally elements for evening events.

Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_1
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_2

Baroque decorations: Main features

Like any other direction, this trend in jewelry has its own characteristics:

  • Materials are predominantly yellow gold (less often - silver), multicolored enamels, bright gems, large pearls;
  • Form - large products, often volumetric, with rounded shapes, in the form of a wave;
  • The main motifs are vegetable, harmony of symmetry and rhythm, bright colors, a lot of decor and gilding.
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_3
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_4

Luxurious, baroque decorations are perfectly combined with rich evening make-up, intricate high hairstyle, clothes from expensive fabrics with rushes, lace, embroidery from rhinestones and sequins.

The decorations in this direction can be added and the daily image is enough to choose one or two products (brooch, ring, bracelet).

Baroque decorations: Best evening accessories

Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_5

Incorrect, untreated pearls - this is exactly what "Baroque" translates from Italian. Therefore, without an amazing stone, it is impossible to present decorations in the baroque style today.

Typical "representatives" of exquisite jewelry of this area:

  • Brooches - in the form of bows and bouquets;
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_6
  • Earrings - gorgeous candelabra with three pendants from pearls (Ligrandol);
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_7
  • Collar-wallage - in the form of an openwork collar with a suspension, falling into the bed of the chest;
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_8
  • Rings - massive rings;
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_9
  • Bracelets - Gold Steam Accessories in combination with precious stones.
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_10

A luxurious jewelry and "face" of the luxury jewelry direction are the chandeliers earrings. Bright and massive, with enamel and precious stones, they are perfectly combined with an outfit in any style. Ideally harmonize with highly assembled hair, so that the focus was made on the earrings-shakerel.

Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_11
Baroque decorations: Best ideas for solemn exit 7514_12

Plastic luxury in the cut, a magnificent combination of pomp and symmetry, deep and contrasting colors - all this is harmoniously assembled in one product. Baroque decorations - always the central element of the created image, overshadowing other accessories and clothing.

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