Why in Nizhny Tagil rake "Clean Air"

Why in Nizhny Tagil rake

In Nizhny Tagil, the Federal Draft "Clean Air" has been implemented for the third year. According to its initial goals, by 2024, the cumulative amount of emissions of harmful substances by 20% of 2017 should be reduced in the city.

At the next meeting with the governors, Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko, who oversees the government of ecology, put the Nizhny Tagil in second place in terms of the severity of aerogenic risks. Worse only in Chelyabinsk. This rankings amounted to Rospotrebnadzor for the aggregate of the evaluation of indicators, among which the population is in the exposure zones of pollutants, as well as the severity of human health consequences. The basis of the calculations of Rosprirodnadzor for air pollution became the basis.

The implementation of the Fed Project "Clean Air" will drop in all 12 cities participating in and no confidence that the goals set will be achieved. Cumulative emissions in all cities decreased by 71.9 thousand tons, which is only 4.6% of 1.5 million tons scheduled for 2024.

Why in Nizhny Tagil rake
Why in Nizhny Tagil rake

The head of Rosprirodnadzor Svetlana Radionov at the meeting spoke about legal issues: now the state is simply there are no possibilities of both operational emission monitoring and response to their actual change. The agency cannot monitor the volumes and the composition of real-time emissions, and the responsibility for enterprises for violation of the established quotas is actually absent. Reporting is formed by the estimated method, which does not correspond to actual emissions. Thus, the real amount of pollution from enterprises is not even known. All these questions require legislative regulation, and relevant initiatives stumble about industrial lobby.

Why in Nizhny Tagil rake

There are problems with financing: in 2020, only 0.74 billion rubles were mastered from 17.46 billion allocated due to the fact that the regions could not justify spending within the Fed Project. Because of this, the pandemic of power decided to cut it: 54 billion rubles of spending on "clean air" was seized in the reserve fund of the government. Thus, general expenses for the FedProject decreased more than twice - to 42.2 billion. Industrialists also do not fulfill their obligations: "Paper" investments of pollutants reached 279 billion from the promised 495.7 billion.

Why in Nizhny Tagil rake
Why in Nizhny Tagil rake

He touched Mrs. Abramchenko and the passion for the local authorities by buses, which are purchased on the funds of the Fed Project. According to her, work on reduction in emissions should not be reduced only to the transfer of public transport to other types of fuel and energy.

Nizhny Tagil has already taken advantage of this opportunity, bought 17 buses on gas engine fuel. But the effectiveness of the waste of funds is in the context of ecology causes great doubts. They will replace old gazelles and grooves that have already worked for gas. However, buy buses and report on the implementation of the ecological project by local officials much easier than actually work with pollutants.

Why in Nizhny Tagil rake

Finally, the July Decree of the President on the National Development Goals until 2030 was the final strike. With this document, the implementation of national projects is postponed from 2024 to 2030, at the same time complicating their goals. So in "clean air", you need to provide a double decline in emissions in the cities of the participants, but only by 2030. The goal of 20% by 2024 is actually canceled.

In accordance with the Decree, the Government was instructed to update the passports of all National and FedProjects, but so far this has not been done. As a result, it is not even known which goals are supplied both in front of the authorities and in front of the business.

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