How many months of boys can be planted on a pot, in pillows, walkers and jumpers


Young parents, as a rule, before the appearance of the baby, learns a large amount of information to know how to feed, cope with colic, laying sleeping, introduce first lures. But in reality, faced with difficulties, for example, when grandmothers advise to plant a child in the pillows, and it is written on the Internet that it is not worth doing this. Or the neighbor offers walkers so that the baby will learn faster, and the pediatrician says that it negatively affects the health of a small man.

How many months of boys can be planted, or better wait for that moment when he himself learns to keep the back vertically?
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How many months you can sit down a boy

The famous Dr. Komarovsky says that in the first year the principles of proper development are distributed equally on girls and boys. Regardless of the floor, the baby learns to first keep the head, then turn over, crawl, sit, and then walk. When the crumb will win the next skill, it does not depend on gender, but from other important factors: body weight, temperament, presence or absence of congenital diseases, genetics. Boys and girls learn to be new, learn the world, try to expand the borders of the available.

How many months can you plant a baby boy? It depends on how much the muscular corset is developed. When the back is strengthened, it will be able to hold its own body weight in a vertical position. As a rule, the child begins to sit between the ages of 6 and 8 months. Modern pediatricians believe that parents should not create artificial conditions so that the crumb has learned to sit. Early sitting is extremely dangerous to the health of a small man. Perhaps the muscles in the child are not yet well developed, so artificial attitudes can lead to serious problems with the spine.

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Many parents ask the question to their pediatrician, at what age boys can be planted, creating support from side or pillows. Modern doctors oppose artificial planning, based only on average age rates.

If the body of a small person is not ready for the seat, you do not need to strain it with an unnecessary load. When the time comes, the baby will learn to sit.

How to understand whether the boy is ready to sit

Parents need to know that the child's muscles should be prepared for a new load. But how to understand when this happens? There are several signs for which you can judge that the kid will be in a vertical position without any problems.

  1. Baby is already well holding the head.
  2. Baby turns over to the tummy or back.
  3. When a child is lying on the tummy, he tries to rise using a handle.
  4. Krochu lies, but trying to reach the handles to the toy and trying to take a vertical pose.

The classic version of the child's development implies at first holding the head, then crawl, and then self-seated by sweeping knees and disembodies on the ass.

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But many children first sit down, and then begin to crawl. Each child develops individually, and do not need to customize it under certain framework.

If the parents made sure that their son is fully ready to learn how to sit, they can gently land it. Age when a child can land, can be any. One boy in 6 months will gladly go out without any pillows, and the other at 8 months will try to take a vertical position, but only with support. If for all signs of kids is ready to disemboditate, it does not matter at what age it will happen.

Why early landing is harmful to health

There are many myths about the development of children. Our grandmothers scared the uterus bend, if the girl can be planted early, and boys can develop infertility from using diapers. But early landing can indeed adversely affect the health of the child, regardless of gender. What is the danger of artificial planning?

  1. If the muscles have not sucked enough, there is a serious load on the weak spine. As a result, serious development problems may occur.
  2. Many parents still plant children in pillows. But harm from such a posew is obvious, because the child occupies an unnatural pose.
  3. The weak vertebrae of the inflation suffer most of all of the early planning. Then there may be problems with breathing and the development of the lungs.
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What Pediatricians advise

Many parents ask a question to doctors: "How many months of boys can be planted in walkers, pillows, etc.". If the baby is active, inquisitive, struggling to independently sit down, it is already possible to roll it out in the cradle, but in a walking unit, slightly raising the back of the seat. You do not need to interfere with the baby yourself try to sit down, but not worth it. You can also raise under a small angle of the chair or a chaise longue in which the crumb is home.

Some moms, without asking how many months boys can be planted on a pot, seek to quickly teach children to innovation. Modern doctors do not consider it necessary to do this, but also do not prohibit. It is important to understand whether the kid is ready to sit on a pot, or better postpone it for a later date. When the baby is inseciously holding the body in the sitting position, you should not teach it to the pot. It is better to wait until the small person is ready for the development of the next skill.

See also: Thirteen Lifehas for Mom Breasts ... and Dads too

When it's time to plant a baby

The exact age when the child needs to be learned, no. When the time comes, he himself expresses the desire to know the world around the world sitting. Much depends on the following factors:

  1. Temperament / character. Cholerics from birth active and always try something new, but phlegmatics, on the contrary, lazy and more passive.
  2. Weight. Chubby kids sit down, as a rule, a little later, but slender kids show activity and sit down at an early age.
  3. The attention of parents. If your mother and dad are engaged in the child, they will drive it into massage and infant swimming, the boy will develop faster than peers who do not pay due attention.

Is it possible to use walkers and jumpers

Kids love to jump. They are glad to repel from the surface and take off up. But parents are often hard to keep a rather chubby child for a long time. And you still need to do all the work on the house, and then jumpers come to the rescue. A comfortable seat for a child is attached on a solid base, and often supplied with various bright and musical toys.

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Pediatricians and orthopedists actively oppose the child to plant in jumper. The fact is that parents often plant in jumper kids who still do not know how to sit on their own. Jumpers are permissible only when a child is confidently sitting, and his muscular corset is well developed.

Another question that suffers from parents: "How many months can you plant in walkers?".

Many used a device that consists of a soft chair with supports and wheels to teach the baby on their own way. Doctors strongly recommend young parents to abandon the use of walkers. First, there is an additional burden on the spine, and secondly, the child psychologically will be afraid to make their own first steps without support.

Walkers and jumpers are not officially prohibited, but orthopedists and pediatricians strongly advise you to refuse to use them. If the parents really want to use these devices, it is necessary to wait until the kid himself will not learn to sit. For a day, a child can carry out in jumpers or walkers no more than 15 minutes.

The child will learn to sit, but parents can help him if they stretch the thumbs for which the kid will pull up. At the same time, it is important not to drag the baby, but to give him the opportunity to go up the way.

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