12-year-old daughter Sergey Zhukova migrated for the new year a non-deputy desire

12-year-old daughter Sergey Zhukova migrated for the new year a non-deputy desire 7506_1

Solist's wife's wife "Hands Up" said about the family tradition of his desires and shared intimate. What did the eldest daughter of Sergey Zhukov and Regina Bourdi wished on New Year's Eve?

Sergey Zhukov and Regina Bourdes are a beautiful family in which three children are growing up - two sons and daughter. Spouses are considered one of the strongest couples in the Russian show business. The eldest daughter of the Soloist group "Hands up" wants, so that it always has been, tells Joinfo.ua.

What did the 12-year-old Nika Zhukov guess for the new year?

Inboard thoughts, a large mother of Regina Bourdes shared in his instagram account. The ex-soloist of the group "Cream" said that in her family there is a wonderful tradition - on the eve of New Year, everyone makes desires.

"... Our wise child faded to dad and mom always be together. It seems amazing? The usual desire of any child. Agree. But it makes you think, adults. I understand that this desire is a children's alarm - parents can quarrel, part. And together with a dad or mom, leaning, safety, feeling at home, family ... and a great desire to live in parental love, as long as possible. Always "- wrote Regina.

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Regina Bourge with her daughter Nick

Bourdes also admitted that her only daughter was always not over the years wise child: "Nick. She was always a completely special girl, with her vector, his opinion and wisdom, ahead of the 5 years of her real age. She always surprised me. "

Sergey Zhukov and Regina Bourge Beautiful Family

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Sergey Zhukov's wife and children

What was the reason for such a desire of Nicky Zhukova, it is difficult to say, because her parents are a beautiful couple that will never quarrel. And if in the life of Regina and Sergey and misunderstanding, they never endure the quarrels of horses, solving all their problems inside the family.

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Sergey Zhukov and Regina Bourge

Most likely, Nick just entered a unique period of growing up when the child turns into a teenager and begins to think more seriously and deeper than before. In addition, in life there happens everyone - often men and women are bred, living together for many years. The girl clearly does not want something like this happened from her parents.

At Niki Zhekova, which in the fall of 2020 turned 12 years old, there are two younger brothers - 10-year-old Angel and 6-year-old Miron.

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Children Sergey Zhukov and Regina Bourge

The boys most likely dream about toys or gadgets, without thinking about the family relationships are important in the life of each person.

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I would like to believe that Sergey Zhukov and Regina Bourdes will always be together and may give daughters and sons one more sister or one brother!

Photo: Instagram @burdregina

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