It became known how to change the income of the population of Kazakhstan by 2025

It became known how to change the income of the population of Kazakhstan by 2025 7497_1
It became known how to change the income of the population of Kazakhstan by 2025

The authorities of Kazakhstan intend to increase the incomes of the population of Kazakhstan by 2025. This is stated in the decree of the President of the Republic of Kasym-Zhomart Tokayeva published on March 11. National development priorities in the next five years have become known.

Kazakhstan President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev approved the national priorities of the republic to 2025. The document signed by the head of state appeared on the website of the regulatory acts of Kazakhstan on Thursday. Nationwide priorities are based on ten tasks in three directions: the well-being of citizens, the quality of institutions and the construction of the economy.

The targets in the decree of the presidential well-being of citizens have established a real increase in income of the population at least 27% of the 2019 level, as well as an increase in up to 27% of the income of 40% of the least secured population in general income. Also within the priority of the "Affordable and Effective Health System" priority, the President has a task to increase the expected lifespan of life up to 75 years.

The document also contains the priority of "cultivation of patriotism values", within which the "annual increase in the level of politicians' satisfaction with the politicians and the desire to promote its prosperity implemented by politicians and the desire to facilitate its prosperity.

Within the framework of the economic block, the objectives are denoted by bringing the volume of the gross added value of the non-ferrous sector of the economy to more than 89 trillion tenge ($ 197 billion), and the manufacturing industry is up to more than 15 trillion tenge ($ 35 billion). In addition, the goal is made and achieving not less than the 70th place in terms of "innovative potential" in the global index of competitiveness from the World Economic Forum. The President also instructed to bring the volume of non-existent exports of goods and services to more than $ 41 billion, as well as to increase to $ 30 billion gross inflow of foreign direct investment.

Recall that in December 2020 Tokayev announced the conduct of large-scale reforms that will give a impetus to democratic transformations in the country. "We will pay close attention to the needs and needs of all segments of the population, especially youth, women, people with disabilities. We are firmly intended to continue the process of political modernization of the country, "said the Kazakhstani leader on the independence day of the Republic.

In the September appeal to the people of Kazakhstan Tokayev also called 2021 by a period of reforms. "He must pass under the sign of economic and political reforms, digitalization, the protection of the rights of people, the development of health care and education, environmental protection," he said. The President noted that thanks to the transformations of Kazakhstan will be ready to meet the challenges of the postpandemic period.

Read more about the upcoming reforms in Kazakhstan, read in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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