Transferred as a gift to the doctors of the region drug from coronavirus can be toxic

Transferred as a gift to the doctors of the region drug from coronavirus can be toxic 7495_1
Instructions for use

On January 28, Governor Alexander Gusev met with representatives of the Promomomed Pharmaceutical Company. During the meeting, it was about the All-Russian Charitable Program "Varlivir - Doctors". The action provides for the creation of reserves of this drug in the regions of Russia for the treatment of doctors and junior medical personnel working with patients with a diagnosis of COVID-19.

The governor noted that there was a positive dynamics in the fight against coronavirus infection and a new medicine will be another help to combat this disease for Voronezh physicians.

- I think that the new drug will help, first of all, in reducing the severity of the disease. We understand that the problem is not that the temperature rose, cough appeared and so on. The problem is that this disease gives serious complications and demonstrates quite high mortality in relation to the same flu epidemic or some seasonal orvi diseases, "said Alexander Gusev.

The implementation of the All-Russian Program "Villavir - Doctors" with the participation of the governors, executive and legislative authorities has already passed in several subjects of the Russian Federation - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Saratov, Amur, Kirov regions, Republic of Mordovia, the Perm region. Today, within the framework of the action, 1000 packages of Areralivir were transferred to the medical facilities of the Voronezh region. Meeting participants noted the effectiveness of the drug at the initial stage of treatment of coronavirus infection.

Areralivir * - The latest core of direct action for coronavirus infection therapy, which is included in the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the treatment of COVID-19. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation from October 21, 2020, Arelivir is included in the list of vital and most important drugs. During clinical studies, the medicine showed high efficiency and safety, preventing the transition of the disease into a heavy form.

The owner of the company Peter White on one of the federal TV channels confidently declared:

- This is a revolution! Now that we have this medicine, people will stop dying from coronavirus! The effectiveness of the medication is approaching 100%!

Looks like advertising. Apparently, while the whole world is looking for a medicine, Peter White has already found him and is ready to share with everyone. True, many Voronezh say that in the package of free drugs, it is more common to see "Infpopheron" and "Arbidol" than "Varlevir".

The "Life" portal first published a screenshot of instructions for the application and opinion of the scientist on the use of this drug. From his point of view, with active distribution, it is necessary to openly and talk about contraindications of the drug, which is based on a strong anti-tuberculosis drug.

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