MAC 2021: Playground for Constructive Dialogue

MAC 2021: Playground for Constructive Dialogue 7489_1

The conference discussed a wide range of relevant for the agricultural sector of topics (in the program - 75 speakers!). The presentations of the first day covered the topics of state support of the industry in 2021, agricultural training, training for APK, the development of rural areas and agrotourism, cooperation of agricultural producers with retailers.

The second day of the conference was entirely devoted to the discussion of problems and innovations in the field of breeding and seed production.

The lively interest of the participants of the session "Livestock" caused the speech of Lyudmila Belokoptyovoy - Head of the Sales Department of LLC "Betagran Lipetsk" (JSC "Schelkovo Agrochim"). This tribal organization produces and transplants the elite embryos of dairy and meat cattle. The embryotransfer method provides more intensive breeding of breeding cattle and allows for a short time to create a highly productive herd at any enterprise.

- Updating the tribal fund by transplanting embryos is easier, cheaper and safer than buying live livestock, "this recommended Lyudmila Belokoptutov advanced technology, successfully mastered at the enterprise" Shchelkovo Agrochim "in Lipetsk.

In the breaks between sessions, the conference participants could inspect the business for business exhibition, which demonstrated innovative solutions for various apk spheres. In particular, the specialists of dairy and meat animals were interested in the conditions for the provision of services for the Embryotransfer of CRS at the Betagran Lipetsk LLC.

Alexey Kobylin, Minister of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region:

- Themes marked at the MAC-2021 Conference are determining for further progressive development AIC - intensification of animal husbandry and crop production, technical and infrastructure update, digitalization, improving the quality of life of the village.

The conference is an effective platform for a constructive professional dialogue and will contribute to the promotion of promising ideas and projects.

(Source and photo: Press service "Shchelkovo Agrocheim").

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