"Storming of the White House": Dad can, or Barack Obama - Superstar


Changing Agitka with Cenning Tatum and Jamie Fox

Ex-Military John Cale (Channing Tatum) is working in the protection of the Speaker of the House of Representatives Eli Rafelson (Richard Jenkins) and cherishes the dream again to become a hero for the teenage daughter Emily (Joey King), the Yames of President James Sawyer (Jamie Fox). To change the unprofitable image, Kale plans to become a member of the secret service and respond to the security of the president, but there are no rush to take it into its ranks. This is not surprising: the arrogant John and to work to the speaker took for military merit, and not for personal qualities. Kale's daughter is lying that his pocket is in his pocket, and they go on a tour of the White House. It is on this day that the group of unknowns decides to attack a snow-white building.

Roland Emmerich and Astor of the White House before the premiere seemed to be the perfect pair like a croissant and a strawberry jam. Who else could write to his second strike on the residence of the US President? Double director designed with German gracious and American complacent: the main building of America is burning, explodes, is experiencing a helicopter attack and direct hit from the tank. Emmerich shot everything that was put on the genre, and in the final, as it should be, waved by the American flag. And here it seems to be a "assault" of the "day of independence" a more modest scale and disperse, but the screenwriter James Vanderbilt, involved in the "new man-spider man" and the Fincherian "Zodiac", inserted a couple of studs in history. The pathetic promise "assault" is a little leveled due to the fact that in the picture directly it says - the president does not solve anything, and the White House is just a symbol. Frightened by Jamie Fox, which comes in a nicotine gum and running around the rusky building in Airjordan sneakers, is a character escaped like from Kubrikovskaya satire, while the armor-piercing Channing Tatum trains from Emmerich the type of militant hero. A bunch of Cale Sawyer works as a canonical pair of clowns, and the surrounding characters are successfully embedded in this farce: the Kale's daughter selflessly puts the video of the invaders on the YouTube channel, the guide swears on terrorists who beat the valuable artifacts (including the Ming dynasty vase), and the government The United States begins to change the presidents like gloves.

All this funny history of Emmerich removes death with death and in such a retro manner, as if only yesterday was the premiere of "Godzilla" with Jean Reno. In this stylistic confrontation, the actors are not lost, and on the contrary, turn out to be the driving force of the film: it is much more interesting to watch James Woods from Leone and Kronenberg in the role of the head of the secret service, Erzats Obama performed by Fox, a special workaholic agent Finners (Maggie Gillenhol) and Organic Joey King, than just consider explosions. Finally, Vanderbilt hid in the militant shell about freedom and politics drama about the fathers and children. Wounded Sawyer and bandaging him Kyle discuss what it is like to be a good dad for a grown daughter. The stage was passed when the children squeezed their parents in the arms, now love needs to be deserved somehow, and how it is not clear. And two men united by these fatherly powerlessness are opposed to the third who lost her son in war. The conflict seemingly for school drama, but here nuclear warheads and political games are involved.

"Sturm" looks like a guide to America, where all the main dates and events are named, affected by the White House. This is a cognitive agitator, in which there is a call for independent thinking, hidden under the marble crumbling of the crushing building.

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