Who is who in the Imperial family of Japan


Former Akihito Emperor and the former Empress Mitiko

Akihito is the eldest son and the fifth child of Emperor Syov and Empress Codseun. From birth, he was preparing for the throne, and in his youth, studying at the University of Gakusuin, he began to make international visits as an official - including the representative of the Japanese court on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1952. Akihito himself joined the throne on January 7, 1989 and rules for more than 30 years.

Despite the fact that akihito was brought up in accordance with strict rules and traditions, he was not afraid to break the Protocol for the sake of love. In 1959, he married a versatile (albeit with an impressive bank account) - the daughter of the president of the Mitiko Mitiko Mitico Mukolol. With a girl, he met on a tennis court and fell in love so much that he went against his family: the Father Akihito marriage approved, but his mother disliked the daughter-in-law until the end of his life, counting akihito act unworthy.

Breaking the edges of Akihito, already with the support of a loving spouse, continued to continue. They and Mitiko, for example, they themselves brought up three of their children (sons of vioratoid and fumihto, as well as daughter Sayako), deciding not to give them to the care of naked, as was customary at the time. Moreover, Mitiko itself was engaged in some domestic affairs - the photos were preserved, on which the Empress stands in the apron at the stove and prepares baby food. Unheard of audacity for a woman as high position. The imperial family generally became closer to the people - Akihito and Mitiko, for example, with the help of the press showed the world, how they spend the family holidays - before this was not allowed.

All free from official duties time Mitiko dedicated to the family. She even developed her own principles of raising children who sound like this: "At least once a day, hug a child tightly so that he felt your love. Forcing him to raise what was thrown. Let him play with every thing as long as possible - in other words, if he is absorbed by something, do not distract it and do not switch his attention to something else. "

Akihito the life of the fulfillment of the main duties was also never limited. In his youth, he played tennis and was engaged in horse riding. The former Emperor of Japan is also passionate about biology and ichthyology. In 1986, he was elected an honorary member of the London Lynneevsky society. Akihito is also an honorary member of the Zoological Society and the Research Institute of Natural Sciences Argentina.

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Emperor Masako Emperor and Empress

Akihito and Mitiko continued to take a very brave solution to conservative Japan regarding the upbringing of their children, when those ceased to be babies. So, for example, their eldest son, now the emperor, violasto in 14 years old by the will of its progressive parents went to Australia, where he lived in the family of a businessman Colin Harper. There, Vichito got acquainted with Western culture, looked at the lifestyle of another mainland and tried new - for example, together with Harper and his children conquered Mount Ulur. This, including influenced the fact that the boy was seriously carried away by mountaineering. However, there was always enough sport in the life of Prachito - he was also engaged in horse riding, played tennis and baseball.

Vykhuito was educated in the University of Japan. But it was not stopped. From 1983 to 1986, the Prince studied at Monta College at Oxford University, where he studied the history of water navigation. Years later, Vichito even wrote a book of memories about the time "Thames and me: a description of two years in Oxford."

In November 1986, at the reception in honor of the Spanish infanta, Elena Vichito became acquainted with the daughter of Hisasi's diplomat, Masako. They say, at this evening, Vichito was supposed to choose a bride, but initially the name of Masako among the contenders was not, he was brought to the list of guests at the last moment - a pencil and hand. Be that as it may, see Masako, the prince fell in love. He cared for a long time for a girl, but that, unlike the rivals, married the future of the Emperor of Japan did not hurry, realizing that she would have to abandon his career and her own life. So the nickness had to make a sentence several times, steady failures. On January 19, 1993, their engagement was announced, and on June 9 of the same year, lovers got married. Even eight years old, December 1, 2001, they had the only daughter called Aiko.

The public has greatly pressed on Masako because she did not give birth to a male heir. This and the huge list of obligations led to the fact that she began serious depression, since 2003 it is extremely rarely appearing in public. In July 2008, Nickdito appealed to the public with a request to support his spouse: "I ask you to understand that Masako is now doing everything possible to recover with the help of the people around it, and treat it with generous patience."

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When it became clear that the heir to the throne of Nahlito and his spouse would not give the country, the question arose about changing the rules of the Preconsession. I used to go on the throne only a man, but by the time Iiko's appearance, the boys in the Japanese imperial family were not born almost four decades. Ayko had every chance to ever become the first ruling empress of Japan. But in 2006, her uncle Prince Akisino born her son, and the question was removed from the agenda.

By the way, the name for Aiko, despite the tradition, chose not the ruling emperor, and her parents. A little more than a year ago, she began to accompany them at official events. In the summer of 2018, the princess went abroad on the summer program in Yaton College.

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Prince Akisino and Princess Kiko

The younger son of the Emperor Akihito and the Empress of Mitiko - the second in the line of inheritance of the chrysanthemum throne, immediately after her brother of Nickito. Like his father and brother, Akisino was educated at the University of Gakusuin, where he studied the right and biology. And just like his brother, Akisino spent some time abroad - gaining knowledge not only of life, but also academic. He studied fish taxonomy at Oxford University.

The prince is not only interested in the birds - in 1996 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Molecular phylogenetics of the jungle birds, rhodes of comb chur and the monophiletic origin of domestic birds."

There is a prince, of course, and other hobbies. For example, he, for example, an excellent tennis player - in the student years Akisino even entered the top ten pair players in the Kanto region.

In the first year of the University, Gakusuin, the Son of the Emperor met the daughter of Professor of the economy of Kiko Kavasim. The marriage on the versatility was already a new tradition in the imperial family, so that no one did not mind the novel against this novel. On September 12, 1989, their engagement was announced, and on June 29, 1990, lovers got married.

In 2000, Japan experienced a certain crisis - for several decades, the boys were not born in the imperial family, because of what the procedure for the inheritance of the throne was not even changed - the new rules would allow to bring to the throne to women. But this did not happen precisely thanks to Akisino and Kiko. On September 20, 2006, they had a long-awaited son Hisachito, now he is second in line on the throne, immediately after his father. In addition, spouses have two senior daughters - Princess Mako and Kako.

Prince Hisakhito is now studying at the elementary school of the University of Ochanomydse in Tokyo. Among his hobbies is the history of war and baseball. The boy in the family is very loved - the parents are affectionately called his Hisachito-kun and Yu-chan.

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Princess Mako and Kako

Princess Mako, Senior Daughter Prince Akisino and Princess Kiko, received excellent education - she graduated from Gasusuin's Girls School, studied English at Dublin University College and at the University of Edinburgh, and in 2014 he graduated from the International Christian University in Tokyo. She also studied museology at the University of Leicester and London, where there was incognito in order not to attract unnecessary attention. In September 2015, she defended his master's thesis on the topic of studying the glass figures of Leopold and Rudolf.

During training at the International Christian University in 2012, Maco met the student Keej Kamouro. Young people twisted the novel. They say Kay made the princess sentence a year later. But even after that, the couple preferred to hide their relationships - no joint exit and photographs. In May 2017, lovers were still officially announced their engagement - for the sake of the young man, Maco agreed to abandon his title. But in February 2018, Maco and Kay issued a statement of postponement of the wedding: "Our future wedding and related activities will be transferred and will be held in two years due to the events important for family and the need to prepare for them. We decided that the postponement of the wedding would be a good opportunity to get the time before the start of a new life. The point is in our immaturity. We want to think about everything and prepare for marriage and life, which awaits us after. "

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About the princess, as well as a little known - it leads a quiet and closed life. Among the hobbies of the girl - figure skating. Like her sister, how received education abroad - in 2017 she went to Lida University in the UK. And a year later he returned to his homeland.

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