"We lay down to 10 million rubles for opening point, although some believe that the shawarma is not worth so much"


What was understood for the first month of work the creators of the Domer 42 project from Dodo and how to assess the market and competitors.

The first cafe "Doner 42" in Moscow. Author: photo in the material: "Doner 42"

In December 2020, Dodo opened the first cafe for the sale of Shawarma "Doner 42". The company has ambitious goals: to build a channel of doners to the whole of Russia, and then discover a cafe in other countries.

Unlike traditional points with Shawarma, Doner 42 tries to prepare the same product at all points, which does not depend on a particular person in the kitchen, and one of the main metrics considers the return of guests.

If companies succeed in setting up processes and get rid of the first "jambs", then each "doner 42" can bring 5 million rubles to revenue per month, says the head of the Doner 42 project of Magomed Kosteev. In the monologue, he told about the first problems, the experience gained and in what cases the service does not need to approve the requests of buyers.

Magomed Kososthev

Leader "Doner 42"

Why Shaurma

Everything is very simple - popularity. Shawarma, Shaverm, doner and other - understandable product. It can be called differently, but the format of something meat or not meat, cooked in Lavash, is around the world.

We want to sell our product not only in Russia, we are planning to go to China, the USA, Germany. Actually, pizza in Dodo is chosen for the same reason: pizza is a product that knows all over the world.

I was told: "But there is also a developing format, there is something else." There is, but what's the point? Maybe outside of Russia, it is not necessary for the rest of Russia?

To develop the format of the Poch in Bangladesh or in Africa, you need a lot of time and money. We need to explain to people what it is. When the next or other format becomes popular around the world, we will take it.

What is known about the Shawarma market and why there are still no federal networks on it

I met an assessment that about 40 thousand points in Russia. By Appendix "Where Shaverm" - 15 thousand points. Rate the market is difficult for two reasons:

  1. No data - even in cartographic services. For "2GIS", "Google Maps" and "Yandex.Cart" Points with shawarma transparent, they do not see them. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why the service "Where Shaverm" was created.
  2. This is a different business. Tent with Shawarma is one business. What we do at 70 m² is another business. Yes, the product is similar - shawarma, but it is impossible to compare, for example, Burger Heroes and McDonald's. And those and those make burgers, but the format and target audience are different.

There are two obvious things: first, the market is large, secondly, the demand for the product is huge. Why make an assessment if Shawarma is on every corner, everyone loves and want it? Our task is to take this market.

We have a bunch of spheres in which there are no major players. Where is some famous chain of hairdressers or mini-fitness rooms? But the fact is that opening one point is one thing, but to make a network - an incredibly complex business. And the network of fast food is even more difficult. There are other rules, other problems.

Restaurateurs who have from one to five institutions, do not even know about such problems. Although restaurants and fast food sell food, but it is fundamentally different business.

The main problem is quality control when scaling. How do you control the quality of ten points? Many already at two points it turns out: the ingredients are cut in different ways, prepare in different ways.

Why is the "big triple" almost all ingredients come ready from the factory-kitchen? Because if you introduce a manual cutting of salads or frying in a pan - elements of the restaurant business - you have a cook at every point in different ways. In fast food format, such a model does not work, you need to make the same sauce for hundreds of points and fry the same cutlets.

Therefore, we abandoned cooking meat on a spit (eating) - you can get a raw piece, and you can get a dressed. In our case, it is impossible, because the meat comes from the supplier already pickled, cut into pieces and packed in kilogram vacuum packages.

The cook gets meat from the refrigerator, spreads on a baking person and sends to the furnace (parokonvelomatat), where at a temperature of 260 degrees it is baked and it turns out the same one.

We closed the problem of the frying meat at the expense of cooking technology, and there are many more processes. We are working on them to make the quality of the product on the ennna number of points.

The complexity of the first month

We were engaged in two different processes in parallel. The first is the creation of a concept and its preparation for scaling, the second is the opening of a new point. It is difficult to make these processes at the same time, of course, inhibit bugs.


When the people rushed in the first days, staff, naturally, a lot of touching, although we all worked out before launching. 30% of the staff went after the first three days of work. Someone turned out to be not ready for an aggressive rapid pace. But with this there were anyone who opened the establishment of catering.

We gained an excessive number of employees. We now have their excess number, we gradually reduce the number of personnel on shift. The excess amount needs to be understood how to arrange people on the workshops to give the best service, better speed.

High interest was the first three days. Then Haip verse, everyone who wanted to come to try, arrived. There was no longer such that 15 orders arrive at a time, now they are evenly distributed over time, there is a clear stable job.

Waiting for customers

It was interesting to observe the comments of the first visitors. For some of them, I do not understand how to react. For example, there was a series of comments in the Spirit: "This is not a Berlin doner, I was in Berlin, there he is different." I was also in Berlin, he is really different, but in Berlin, the Doner costs five euros.

Our team can make such a delicious doner, but it will no longer cost 180 rubles. It will cost 400 rubles, but people who are ready to buy shawarma for 400 rubles, much less. This is another business, another product quality, another approach.


It is believed that buyers want to customize. This is not true. Very few people want to change something in a dish, they want to come to McDonald's and buy Cheeseburger or Bigmak, what is there to customize? Sometimes they ask to remove onions or add something, but there are few such people.

When in the brotherish stall, they ask to remove the tomato sauce and add french potatoes, it is one. When you work through the application and you have orders roll one after another, something is very easy to confuse something. We still have shoals.

At one time, we even refused to remove the bow. Guests did not understand: what's the problem of removing the bow? And in the fact that as soon as you do it, you will definitely happen confusion in orders. A man who wanted a doner with a bow will get without a bow and on the contrary.

After that, the guest will surely complain in all social networks, will supply "one unit" and write that it will not come to us anymore. Therefore, it is easier to sometimes refuse to remove onions than to say that we will remove onions, confuse everything and cause anger.

Now we have an opportunity to remove something in the application or add something: for example, halapeno, sauce, Potatoes. Soon the "Collect your doner" function will appear: you can remove anything and add.

But I do not think that there will be many people. If you give the guest the opportunity to mix anything with anything, he may, without understanding, to interfere with something tasteless. But it will not associate this combination with the fact that he himself missed the ingredients. The client will always assume that in your institution is preparing tasteless.

First results and expectations for development

Now our revenue approached 100 thousand rubles a day, and this is just a room, we do not have delivery yet. The average check on the checkout ranges from 257 to 300 rubles, in the application - from 400 to 500 rubles. In my opinion, it is realistic to reach 120-130 thousand a day without delivery.

After starting the delivery, the amount of 5 million rubles per month is quite achievable. For many 3 million per month on Shawarme - already a fantastic amount. In the regions where we can afford the spaces of 150-200 m², you can go beyond 6 million rubles per month. Results depend on brand recognition in the region, marketing activity, management and product quality. I think that it is necessary to put one and a half or two years.

Revenue "Doner 42" and other Dodo projects is published on the group's website

I count on the opening of one point, I expect to invest up to 10 million rubles, the amount depends on the region, from the cost of renting and repair work, from the square of the future institution. For example, in Norilsk a point can do 6-7 million rubles, and this is a small amount.

In our business, the main thing is the payback. A good catering is considered a point with a payback to three years and a profitability of 10%. Previously, there was a good indicator of 15%, even earlier than 20%, but now we are in more rigid conditions.

Our model is very simple: we take a small room, 65-70 m², we get up for ultra-high traffic with high rent and learn to convert it. So much easier than to get up on a weak point, invest big money in local marketing, calling customers is a separate type of art. Why make creative promotions when you can stand on traffic and learn how to convert it to buyers?

Why for the federal network you need to answer "for the bazaar"

If we are talking about your own points, you need a lot of money. It is necessary to attract investors, because the profits are not enough to scalable. And investors still need to convince the money, iron arguments are needed to convince you to invest in the urchopitis.

If we talk about development through a franchise, this is another business, and it is much more difficult.

Many people think: "Nowadays the franchise, and the loot will go." For them it is air money. But earnings on franchising starts not from the first and not from the second point, they can be opened more than a hundred and only then start making a profit.

Franchise must be able to sell, and after the sale support partners, help them earn. Now the word "franchising" slightly discredited itself because of the large number of weak or unfair franchises, including in the publication.

Some simply earn the paustal contributions, selling the franchise is very expensive, and then they take a royalties. For a while, such a scheme will work, but then for the bazaar will have to answer - when the franchisee will understand that they do not earn that they do not receive support for the management company or do not understand what it lies. And all, on five to six points, development will stop.

We clearly understand that we will give our partners: Dodo IS IT system, ready-made supply system in all cities of Russia, convenient mobile application and transparency. We have a Dodo Brands website, where you can see the revenue of each project, I write about the "doner 42" open in your channel.

You can even cut me on the word if I first wrote one, then another. It makes it be in a tone and responsible in front of yourself, before the team, in front of future partners and the guests.

Why translate orders to the application and here return

We want to learn to give an order as quickly as possible so that guests return to our Shawarma. Return is one of the key indicators in any business. The person will not come for the second time if you give Shawarma for 15-20 minutes. Even with a small queue up to five people, they can prepare shawarma so long.

Our task is to make guests to order through the app, which is so faster and more profitable. And because we are easier to track the return, the average check, revenue, LTV through the application. People who are ordered at the checkout are invisible, so in everything wept.

When the cashier tells guests about the application, many respond: "We know, but at the checkout faster." People have a pattern in the head that the application is something heavy and you need to enter a bunch of data to enjoy. Although in our application it is enough to enter a phone and can be ordered.

While the application accounts for from 30% to 35% of revenues, this indicator can be rapid up to 50%. We will stimulate using the application: make prices lower than at the checkout, we will give discounts or free coffee to the first order. We will have bonus points, "donercoins".

Behind the applications the future. People will still go to Digital. The Chinese model is our future. China has already come to the fact that almost 100% of orders go through WECHAT, and we will probably come. Maybe after 5 years, maybe after 10, maybe after 15, but I will definitely come. If you do a good mobile service, as in China, a person will not have a choice, he will begin to use it.

There is another reason to develop the application. There was a lot of people "generation Tiktok", which do not always want to communicate with other people. Now there are a lot of introverts who want to get a mobile phone, make an order and pick it up silently. For them, the only comfortable solution is a mobile application.

Why McDonald's puts large terminals for orders? Not only to reduce queues - and because very many do not want to communicate at all. Even after me, I observe sometimes that I don't want to ask the menu and say that I want to order. It is easier for me to get the phone, press a pair of buttons and get your order silently.

# doner42 # Dodo

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