Cryptobry CoinCheck announced expansion to the NFT market


Known for hacking Japanese Exchange Cryptovalut Coinckeck announced the absorption of the company-developer NFT products on the blockchain

The Tokyo Exchange Cryptovalut Coincke announced the acquisition of 100% share of Metaps Alpha, the developer of non-violent tokens (NFT). This exchanges reported on this in the official press release.

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The absorption occurs within the framework of the CoinCheck expansion of the services of non-violent tokens. With the help of Metaps Alpha, the Exchange intends to solve the problems of the scalability of a new market related expensive transactions in the Ethereum blockchain. Recall, at the end of last week, the cost of gas on the ETH network updated the maxima.

CoinCheck also noted that they are now working on the creation of NFT-off-off-project technology.

NFT steps on the planet

Having created an offchare market, Coincheck intends to speed up the development of the market for unique digital products both in Japan and abroad. It is noteworthy that with Metaps Alpha, the Exchange also paid the MIIME NFT-Product Marketplace at its disposal.

Cryptobry CoinCheck announced expansion to the NFT market 7428_1

The service allows you to buy digital playing cards, land in virtual worlds and characters by type Cryptokitties. However, it is worth noting that Marketplace since September 2019 remains in Beta testing.

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However, CoinCheck is not the only exchange aimed at the promising market. The Beincrypto edition earlier reported that the oldest cryptobyringe of India also enters the market for unique tokens. The Indian Bitcoin Exchange Zebpay announced the release of its own non-violent token Dazzle, as well as its own marketer.

Meanwhile, the boom in the market of non-violent tokens continues. Only for December, the volume of trading on it has grown to an impressive 115%. In January 2021, the number of NFT applications is 121 pieces, and the total number of users exceeded 36 thousand, according to

What NFT is tokens are, and why they loved the brands - read in a special BEINCRYPTO material.

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The POST Cryptobria CoinCheck announced expansion to the NFT Appeared First On Beincrypto market.

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