"Machines do not go, the BPL falls": Ukraine was rated US military assistance


The military expert told that the US deliveries of military equipment to Ukraine are always accompanied by additional packages of services.

On the air of the channel "Milіtrny portal", Ukrainian military experts Taras Chmut and Alexander Argat decided to find out what Washington helped the armed forces of Ukraine and as American assistance belongs to the VSU. In the course of the discussion, it turned out that half of the Army jeeps of the Hammer type set from the United States are currently in non-working condition.

"Hummer" is a wonderful car. The 36th Marine Corps Brigade in the summer of 2015 received several dozen cars, about 30 or 40. They were operated in the ardent assault battalion. The car showed itself superpositive. But immediately arose a question with repair, spare parts, tools, rubber and staff training, "

He said that the American supplies of military equipment to Ukraine are always accompanied by additional packages of services. As an example, Taras Chmuth led all the same "Hummers." Machines were transferred to HU for free, but the transmission side immediately suggested the Ukrainians paid technical support for used equipment. Chmut noted that, unfortunately, Ukraine always tries to go along the path of the smallest spending. As a result, the American paid sentence politely refused.

"We will understand yourself, somehow we will repair and make. This led to the fact that in the 36th Brigade, more than half of the Hammer rose to joke, "

According to him, from two or three faulty machines, military personnel, at best, collect one working. According to American drone, Raven is even worse. The expert noted that the UAVs themselves fall right at the "occupied" territory of Donbass. This is not connected with poor technique, but in the fact that part of the people who have learned in the United States on the operators of UAV began to dismiss from the army. Another part of the drone specialists did not receive. The paradox is that those who received the American certificate on drone management remained not from affairs, and those who graduated from courses in Zhytomyr immediately received an expensive American technique.

"Machines do not go, drones fall",

Taras Chmut is convinced that in all the troubles of the Ukrainian army are not Americans, but the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense of the country.

Earlier it was reported that half of the personnel of the Armed Forces after studying in the United States is fired from the army.

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