"Kazatomprom" is trying again to sell its solar cell factories - media


"Kazatomprom" is trying again to sell its solar cell factories - media

Almaty. 5 January. Kazatag - Kazatomprom JSC for the second time trying to sell three of its solar package factory, reports the specialized PV-Magazine edition

"Kazatomprom JSC" Kazatomprom "auction conducted an auction for the sale of 100% of the share capital of three of its solar energy enterprises - MK Kazsilicon LLP, Astana Solar LLP and Kazakhstan Solar Silicon LLP, says in a message .

It is noted that the starting price of MK Kazsilicon LLP is set in the amount of T707 million.

"The starting price of the MK Kazsilicon LLP is set in the amount of T707 million ($ 1.68 million). This company manages the plant for the production of metallurgical silicon of solar quality with a capacity of 5 thousand tons per year located in the Ushtobe. As for the Kazakhstan Solar Silicon LLP, which has a 60 MW plattice plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk, the starting price is installed at the T5.59 billion level. The starting price of Astana Solar LLP is set in the amount of T3.38 billion. This Installation produces polycrystalline solar cells and modules, and solar power plants with a capacity of 50 MW in Astana, "the publication writes.

According to these plants, these factories were created with the support of the French consortium headed by the State CEA atomic energy agency, and consisted of fully integrated solar cell lines.

According to the publication, Kazatomprom JSC tried to sell these plants back in 2017.

"Previously, Kazatomprom tried to sell these three companies at auction in September 2017. Later, in May 2019, he announced that 75% of the shares of these three factories were sold to the international consortium created by Yadran Solar, a division of the Russian oil company Yadran Oil; The French company ECM GreenCh, which produces turnkey production lines for the photoelectric industry; and Chinese Kasen / Canadian Solar. Then Kazatomprom stated that under the terms of the agreement, the remaining 25% of the shares will be purchased by a consortium for three years. However, as follows from the latest financial statements of the company, this agreement did not take effect due to the "non-compliance with the Buyer of certain conditions," the publication said.

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