Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and fighting them


    Pests and diseases of fruit trees carry a serious threat to harvest, so that timely processing of apple trees and pears is vital to any gardener. This article will discuss the main diseases and pests of fruit trees, as well as effective methods of combating them.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    Processing of fruit trees (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    When processing trees, it is important to comply with the correct time and dosage of drugs. Otherwise, under the threat of the disease, you already will be. Proper processing is safe and bring you a rich harvest of delicious apples and pears.

    Let's start, perhaps, from the most frequent diseases of fruit trees, which most often make themselves to know in the middle of summer. Diseases can be calculated by numerous manifestations and symptoms. If such is found in your garden, it is necessary to immediately start preventive measures.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    The work of frozhork (photo is used according to a standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    This disease leads to the formation of characteristic spots on the leaves that can have different size and color. The reason for the ailment is a special fungus, which begins to grow in early spring and reaches a heyday by the first half of July. Fruits stains are also merit fungus and indicate a serious neglence of the disease.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    Spotted on the leaves (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Antifungal drugs are used to treat spotlight. Especially effective "soon", which divorces at the rate of ampoule by 10 liters of water.

    Another common fungal disease, which leads to the formation of characteristic yases on the leaves and fruits of trees. In the launched cases, the tree can arbitrarily dump the leaves, dries and in the end dies.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    Flash on an apple tree (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    One popular recipe is opposed to the brushes. For its preparation, 200-300 grams of garlic missed through a meat grinder, as well as 2 liters of boiling water. Mixing the specified ingredients, give the solution to strengthen during the day, then add 8 liters of cold water and 30 g of household soap.

    According to scientific, this disease is called moniliosis and can destroy up to 80 percent of the entire harvest. It can be found in the characteristic white rot and the growths generated on the fruits. At the same time, already infected fruits can lead to the spread of infection, so they need to be deleted and destroyed.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    Fruit rot (photo with gardenerspath.com)

    Effectively spray the trees with a solution of iodine. For its preparation, 10 ml of the usual pharmacy iodine and 10 liters of water are needed. Also, phytosporin copes well.

    Now we will tell about the main pests of apple trees and pears, as well as methods of combating them.

    This small insect has gray color and small wings. The symptoms of the invasion of frozhorkors serve the misappropriate fruits in massive order.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    Fruit (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The best tool from this pest is "Bitoksibatillin", the processing of which should be carried out once a week to the complete destruction of insects.

    Many species of this insect feed on the juices of a tree, as a result of which the leaves and immature fruits be proposed.

    Especially dangerous with their larvae, which develop in the fruits of trees. As prophylaxis, the drains of the soil at the tree can help, as well as the removal and destruction of the affected fruits.

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    Diseases and pests of fruit trees, and the struggle with them

    Treatment of trees from pests and diseases (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    As for chemicals, the best solution will be "Bitokssibatillin".

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