3 575 Units of Technology "booked" Russian agrants

3 575 Units of Technology

Under the terms of the Promotion, agricultural producers could book equipment from 25 large suppliers at a fixed price of 2020. For unprecedentedly low rates, the rise in prices for Rosagroleasing, for their part, provided additional benefits: the lack of an advance and deferment of the payment on the principal debt until September 1, 2021. As preferences from suppliers have become additional discounts and an enlarged warranty period.

Within the framework of the Agrarian action, 785 applications for the purchase of 3,575 vehicles for a total of 20.8 billion rubles were sent.

Most of all the techniques in the framework of the action acquired the Agrarians of the Volga Federal District - 1,622 units, the Central Federal District - 645 units, the Southern Federal District - 455 units, the Siberian Federal District - 350 units.

The analysts of the company also made up the ranking of the regions in which the agriculture actively used the unique proposal of Rosagroleasing.

The top 10 regions included:

  • Republic of Bashkortostan - 345 units of technology
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 295
  • Krasnodar Territory - 216
  • Saratov region - 197
  • Orenburg region - 154
  • Moscow region - 136
  • Ulyanovsk region - 130
  • Volgograd region - 107
  • Samara - 115.
  • Altai Krai - 90

The greatest demand of the Agrarian was shown to the technique of Rostselmash, the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant and the Eurotechnic JSC.

Among the technique acquired in the framework, 49% are combines. The most popular brands were: Acros-595 Plus, Acros 550, Combined Combine "Tucano 580 L47110".

25% of the acquired equipment for "early booking" are tractors. The agrarians chose Tractors of the brand Kirovets Type K-7M, type K-5, "Belarus - 82.1", wheel tractor "AGROLUX 4.80".

"The results of the" early booking "showed that we launched the promotion needed and important for farmers. We thank our partners - suppliers of equipment, which for our customers recorded prices at the level of last year. High demand confirms that agricultural producers confidently go to the upgrade and modernization of their means of production. Our task is to make the most favorable conditions for this. In the near future, the company plans to launch an equally profitable action dedicated to the anniversary of Rosagroleasing, "the General Director of Rosagroleasing JSC Commenimized Pavel Kosos.

(Source: Press Service of Rosagroleasing JSC).

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