"Employees are provided with alarming buttons": In the hospital, Botkin in Orel commented on the treatment of patients of Dobrinsky boarding school from COVID-19


At the beginning of the month, it became known about the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Dobrinsky Psychoneurological Internship. However, today it became known that mentally unhealthy patients are treated in the Botkin hospital in Orel and are not separated from ordinary people. About this on March 12 during a direct ether in the social network "VKontakte" said Feldscher Dmitry Seregin and the deputy of the city council Ruslan Perelygin. After that, the situation commented on the regional degree and in the hospital Botkin.

As you assured in the department, from the moment of diagnosing a coronavirus infection, the routing of patients was organized in the residents of the Dobernic psychoneurological boarding school in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. And patients with special psychosomatic status were identified in the Oryol Regional Psychiatric Hospital.

"Other residents of the boarding school were hospitalized in an Oryol Tuberculosis dispensary, hospital emergency medical care. ON THE. Semashko, City Hospital named after S. P. Botkin. In these medical organizations, observation and treatment of patients with compliance with infectious safety requirements is provided, "said the official commentary of the Department of Health.

In addition, regional authorities intend to verify the rights of patients to receive high-quality medical care.

It is specified that specifically, 47 patients from Dobernal psycho-neurological board with a new coronavirus infection were added to the Botkin hospital for inpatient treatment.

As the head physician of the institution Alexander Lyalukhin, patients of the psychoneurological profile were placed in the 1st floor boxes and semi-foxes 2 floors of the infectious compartment and in the 3 infectious compartment. The remaining patients are translated into bed 2, 4 and 5 infectious offices. For inspection, identifying the mental status of patients and correction of appointments, psychiatrists were called from the regional psychoneurological dispensary, prescribed correction was carried out.

At the same time, as he managed to declare Seregin, there were already attempts by mentally unhealthy patients to unscrew the oxygen cylinders, as well as smoking indoors. However, the staff of Botkin's hospitals are not trained with such patients, he stated Feldsher. The head physician commented on and this.

"Currently, a staffing is currently being corrected and an additional set of middle and junior medical personnel for the treatment and care of the patients of the psychoneurological profile. Employees are provided with mobile "alarm buttons". Official appeals and complaints from patients and employees to the administration of the hospital today did not report, "Lyalukhin said.

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