Samsung is ready to abandon complete charging in all smartphones. Where it leads


And again it is worth returning to the topic of complete charging, which causes so many disputes lately. Buying a smartphone without a power adapter for many has just become a puncture. While the failure from the complete power supply unit is rather exception, but it can very soon become a rule. After the release of Samsung Galaxy S21, who lost his adapter put it, the company can transfer such a vision of a smartphone kit and other devices. This concerns the middle line and even budget devices. In this case, the transition process can occur very quickly. For connoisseurs of a large set, this behavior of South Korets may have much more serious consequences than it may seem at first glance.

Samsung is ready to abandon complete charging in all smartphones. Where it leads 7371_1
Complete charging gradually goes into the past.

Charging Samsung Galaxy S21

Surely you already know that the Samsung Galaxy S21 series goes in the footsteps of the Apple iPhone 12 line. Smartphones, which were once the benchmark of generosity set of delivery, are now sold even without a power supply. Included there is only a cable for connecting USB-C to USB-C. Now it became known that this may even lead to the fact that the company will eventually cease to supply charger for any of its smartphones.

According to the Android Authority report, the South Korean technological giant may gradually abandon the supply of complete chargers and headphones with their smartphones. And there and to the tablets not far. Like Apple, Samsung also called environmental issues the main reason for the removal of these accessories from the retail box.

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Previously, it was put in the box, and now there is no.

Will charging in new samsung

Conclusions that the company is ready for radical steps, it can be done on the basis that it has published a set of frequently asked questions about its new flagship phones and other goods that they deliver with them. And they can be given to the company's desire to minimize the package.

The company said the following:

Actually, the presentations were told that buying a new smartphone, most users leave charging in the box. So that it was not, they are invited to buy a power adapter separately if it is needed.

For questions even less, Samsung also added that for the first time introduced the ports for charging USB Type-C back in 2017. This means that buyers of smartphones of the Galaxy S21 series can use a large number of old compatible chargers.

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Previously, they said that the set of smartphones will put wireless charging. Now you can forget about it.

It is worth noting that the company directly did not say that it will completely remove the power supply from the set of all smartphones, but considering such statements and mood of the market, the probability of this is very high. Personally, I almost do not doubt that in the next couple of years, and maybe earlier, the company will refuse charging not only in the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series (if it is), but also in other smartphones.

Will manufacturers lay charging in a smartphone set

If this happens, this will become a real signal for the market. The remaining manufacturers are also likely to choose this path. The first of these will be predictable Xiaomi, which has already abandoned the power adapter in the MI 11 set. Although it made it very indecisive.

Samsung introduced the flagship Galaxy S21. What are they

If first the failure of the charging caused strong negative reactions, now when communicating with other lovers of smartphones and when studying those raised in our Telegram-chat, I see that the moods generally softened. The utterances have become less critical and even has some acceptance of something.

Why in a set with a smartphone there is no charging

I can not divide the universal panic about this. Especially with regard to flagship devices, which are very expensive. I am more than confident that buying a smartphone for 75,000 rubles, to pay extra 2,000 rubles is not so problematic. Moreover, no one offers to buy a gadget and he has half a year to wait for charging without being able to use the purchase. Power adapters are sold everywhere and for every taste. There are original, which after such unpopular measures are beginning to be cheaper, there are analogues, and there is a third output.

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Many generally use only wireless charging, which is already standing at home (or even alone). It turns out that there is no problem to purchase an adapter, if necessary, no, but if not needed, then you have to use what is at home. Moreover, there is nothing to break there, and in contrast to cables they serve for years.

Samsung is ready to abandon complete charging in all smartphones. Where it leads 7371_4
When there are such charging, why do you need a complete? Moreover, they will become more and more.

The same can be said about headphones. What is included is worth a maximum of a thousand rubles, if you repel from sound quality. Now most have favorite headphones with which they enjoy. And they are also not a problem start using with a new smartphone.

In the end, consider that the manufacturer simply made a smartphone slightly cheaper due to the abandon from the large set and offered you a choice: save and use your accessories or add 3,000 - 4,000 rubles to the price and get everything before.

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This year, Samsung flagships are cheaper than in the past, including due to the abandon from the large set. So let's rejoice at this. And who needs, just pay extra a little more and get what they wanted. And if at a price of 75,000 rubles another 2,000 rubles become too big, maybe you just should not buy such an expensive smartphone?

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