Cucumbers seedlings 2021 and how to neutralize annoying inconsistencies

Cucumbers seedlings 2021 and how to neutralize annoying inconsistencies 7369_1

In the case of cucumbers, happy greenhouse owners have a strong advantage, and this is explained. In addition to controlling the climate, they can, pre-heating the soil in raised beds or generally using containers, do without seedlings, direct sowing. And from here go to the problem number one ...

Seedlings of cucumbers do not tolerate the transshipment - what to do

The germination of cucumber seeds in optimal conditions occurs simply and quickly, but the problem is that the cucumber plants do not like when their roots are broken, and suffer from shock when transferred to a permanent place.

And often it turns out that whatever a good seedlings you have grown at home, there are terrays in the garden. Signs of physiological disorder will be a delay in the growth and development of seedlings, wilting and yellowing of the leaves.

So, from the very beginning, we do not take the plastic container, and plant in peat pots and so transferred to the site.

Cucumbers seedlings 2021 and how to neutralize annoying inconsistencies 7369_2

Be sure to schedule a reanimating feeder for seedlings with liquid sheet fertilizer for the first two weeks after transshipment.

Everything disappeared, the chef, everything was gone! Go to the cucumber combo

Distribute risks, growing at least 3 varieties or hybrid (several plants) with different session periods.

In the open ground it provides a variety and possibility of manipulation. According to the rules of crop rotation, you will change the location of the cucumber bed on the site. And some places will be more shaded, and others fall under the sun, it means that when buying seeds you will focus on the characteristics of the shadowability and heat resistance. And, of course, pay attention to disease resistance.

In addition to the cucumber conveyor for open soil, the method of "cucumber combo" is gaining popularity when special pollinators hybrids are planted for beexainable plants, for example, bumblebee, at the rate of 2 pollinator for 10 ordinary varieties. The crop should be twice as well as supporters of this method say.

Land cemented and frowning

Many novice gardeners allow a mistake by loading in containers for seedlings gardening soil, pre-calcined in the oven.

Alas, for success here too many variables: the earth can be too acidic, that is, to block all nutrient soil substances, and swim with frequent watering, and it will be frequent, since the seedlings of cucumbers need constant moisture. An earthwood brick with soil crust, of course, is not suitable for gentle shoots.

Use the store mixture designed specifically for containers. Cucumbers feel well in the soil with a pH from 6.0 to 7.0. Most container blends have an ideal neutral pH 7.0.

Before irrigating, use lifehak with toothpick. Stick it into the pot and, if the soil does not stick to the spit, the plant needs more water.

Cold soil seedlings of cucumbers categorically not acceptable. The temperature range for seed germination ranges from 21 to 35 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the cucumber seeds will be powder for 6-10 days. If the temperature drops to 15-18, then lay a couple of weeks in the time waiting time. Thermal mats placed under the seed capacities will help correct the incorrect.

Does not spin and not feed

As soon as the seeds are sprouting above the surface of the soil, place the pots on the solar window. If seedling does not receive a minimum of six hours of straight light, you need to fork out to light.

Regardless of additional lighting, turn the pot so that the natural sun gets the whole plant.

This will prevent the long-swapping and really "unbound" seedlings, warming up in the direction of the Sun.

Follow the start of the feeder for seedlings. The first two sheets in the seedl of cucumber are called "seedy" leaves (they are round and thick). The following leaves that are developing later are referred to as the first set of "real leaves" (they have a toothed edge). About 10-14 days after the germination of the first real leaves, proceed to spray with liquid fertilizers divorced in a half dose from the norm for adult cucumbers.

In the country area worth lonely

Do not plan seedlings in proud loneliness, especially if you grow without greenhouses. It is much better for landing with small modules when the plant group is concentrated on the hills with a distance of about 30 cm from each other (three bushes on the hill). The hill will provide the best drainage if heavy rains will come.

Group therapy is intended to ensure that the animals (including insects) are not destroyed by the entire company, while the cucumber is lonely falls into the risk group. Cucumber colleagues include velvets and nastures, as well as Pijm (helps scare ants from their tool). Do not plant cucumbers next to potatoes and pumpkin.

Any kind of lattice or vigvamov from wooden stakes will bring a huge benefit of cucumbers. Although the plant has a climbing mustache, its natural instinct - to grow on the ground, so wait for the reign of the first utensils, as they grow, carefully tighten up and around the lattice.

Cucumbers seedlings 2021 and how to neutralize annoying inconsistencies 7369_3

If you already have a wire fence, then do not waste money and fall out the seedlings about. Otherwise, it is quite simple to make a cucumber fence, having simple materials at hand.

Watch in the ground two racks or stakes from each end of the row, pull the segment of the wire mesh between the two columns and attach the wire grid with the stacks. Having planting plants at the base of the fence, follow the distance of 30 cm from each other. Then, as they grow, place the vine on the fence. She quickly learn to wind the mustache on a wire and climb by itself.

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