"Amber Chronicles": How did Roger brewed create the Universe?

Roger Zelazny Photo: FB.Ru

The most famous cycle of the fiction writer Roger Zelaznos - "Chronicles of Ambore". This is a whole fantasy universe. If you are a real fiction connoisseur, then they are simply obliged to get acquainted with this series of Romanov. This article, first of all, for those who passed by this name, and possibly (even scary to imagine!), Past the genre of fiction in general. Well, the true fans of the Creator of Amber Kingdom will once again recall him.

Let's go back to the "Chronicles of Amber". Ten Romanov (1970-1991), several stories, works based on ... Cycle is one of the most anticipated (and long) applicants for adaptation.

This is not classical cosmic fiction and not quite fantasy. Although many will hurry to attribute the "Chronicles" to the last genre. Zelazna created its own fantastic world, and on a completely scientific basis.

The modern idea of ​​"parallel universes" (about what, for example, says the popularizer of science Mitio Kaku) The cycle presents in the form of infinite "reflections" of the Genuine World. Just like the philosophical categories of "chaos" and "order". The "Chronicles" traced personal interest of the writer to mysticism and Eastern philosophy.

Of course, you can find other writers with similar ideas. Philip Farmer, for example, at about the same time (1965) began the "Multi-Russian World" cycle. But his series is characterized by a more scientific approach. The world of R. Zelaznoy also relies on science, just not Western, and East.

However, the second part of the Cycle "Chronicle Amber", written in the late 1980s, already acquires elements of science fiction. The main character, Merlin, at the same time is a magic and programmer engineer. (Here's the border with a cyberpalka, where, however, Zelaznos did not go, he was enough "his own" universe.)

Photo: FB.ru.

Roger Zelazna often worked in collaboration with such stars of fiction as Philip Dick, Robert Shekley, and others. He also participated in other projects. For example, I wrote the story "Sleeping" for the Inter-Wild Card, the editor of which was not other than George Martin.

The first series "CHRONIC AMBER" was so realistic and made in detail Zelyzlya, that the number of riddles of the world created by him promoted the writer to create a new Romanov cycle, where the main character is Merlin, the son of Corvin. Although even without continuing, this epic would still leave his mark in world fiction.

Events in the cycle are so dynamic that the reader is not exactly bored! Already in the first novel, "nine princes Amber" Corvin will find out the whole truth about himself and the kingdom of Amber. It turns out to be drawn into a deadly game where the main prize is an amber throne.

The ending of a book with a dramatic finale, in fact, is the beginning of the next part ("Avalon's" rifle). This is an equally entertaining story in which Corvin finds a way to win, and at the same time, turning out in strange places, is experiencing many adventures and dangers.

Let's miss the third and fourth part of the series ("Unicorn Sign" and "Oberon's Hand"). The final, fifth, the Roman of the "Owning of Chaos" series describes the confrontation between the two kingdoms - Amber and Chaos. And this is a real apocalypse, which will still be avoided.

Photo: Store.academic2.ru.

On this we complete the article, since its goal is not to retell, but to interest the "past past" readers. Therefore, the basic riddles of the amber we will not disclose, but leave for you.

Roger Zezlana wrote other wonderful stories, stories, novels, including works cycles. His last novel - "Night in the daily October". And according to the "valley of curses", the film was still filmed. Perhaps they should be told about them. But these are other stories to which we will try to return.

Author - Grigory Sharap

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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