Than to feed carrots so that it turns out a large, juicy and sweet


    Good afternoon, my reader. Mandatory condition for obtaining a rich carrot harvest is the competent use of feeding. Growing on the beds of orange vegetable is necessary to obtain nutrients in a timely manner in sufficient quantities.

    Than to feed carrots so that it turns out a large, juicy and sweet 7338_1
    Than to feed carrots so that it turns out a large, juicy and sweet maria verbilkova

    Carrot. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Carrot bushes need nitrogen for better carotene production, providing the brightness of the color of the root. Requires vegetable culture and making phosphorus-containing fertilizers. Thanks to phosphorus, carrots turns out sweet and crunchy. Applying feeders rich and potassium, you can also increase the immunity of plants, reduce the risk of their damage to diseases and pest insects.

    The carrots growing on the garden can be picked up not only by purchased mineral compositions, but also accessible to each dacket with folk remedies. This vegetable culture for the introduction of organic matter: chicken litter, humidiation, ropeful infusion, wood ash is spoken very well.

    It is categorically impossible to fertilize the carrot landing with a fresh cow. In this case, the risk of rooting the point of growth is high. As a result, the bushes of carrots will stop in development.

    In addition to choosing a fertilizer composition, the dacnik must pay special attention to the timing of it. Carrot feeding should be carried out in a timely manner, observing the recommended frequency of the procedure.

    Experienced gardeners feed this vegetable culture for the first time at the stage of appearance on young carrot sprouts of several leaves.

    For the first feeding of carrots fit and chicken litter. It is distinguished by the high nitrogen content - the nutrient needed for the growth of bushes. In addition, this organic substance is rich in phosphorus and potassium. It can be an excellent alternative to purchased complex mineral fertilizer.

    Than to feed carrots so that it turns out a large, juicy and sweet 7338_2
    Than to feed carrots so that it turns out a large, juicy and sweet maria verbilkova

    Carrot. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Before applying a litter of poultry is required to pour water (proportion of 1:10), mix thoroughly. The solution should be homogeneous. They watered aisle. Watering them under the root is strictly prohibited. Young plants can get burns.

    To feed the carrot landing for the second time it will be required after 14-20 days after the first fertilizer application. For this purpose, gardeners are used as an asset infusion.

    To prepare a nutrient liquid, poured ash water (proportion: 300 ml of a substance by 10 liters) and insist for 12-20 hours. The carrot bushes under the root watered the infusion.

    You can also scatter in beds unwritten in powder wood ash. At the same time, the cost of the consumption is 1 cup of dry fertilizer for 1 m² of landing. The ash will need to be slightly sprinkled with a mixture of garden soil and sand.

    Apply for the second filtering of carrots and nettical infusion. The remedy is prepared as follows: fill the bucket on 2/3 crushed greenery, poured a little crushed into the ash powder (200 ml), poured to the top with water. Capacity is left for 7-14 days in heat. When its contents will move, it will be necessary to strain and dilute with water (100 ml per 10 l). The carrot bushes under the root watered the resulting nutrient fluid.

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