Most Popular Red Tomato Varieties


Good afternoon, my reader. Tomatoes are one of the ingredients that can be detected in a variety of dishes. Tomatoes can be added to soups, in salads, they very often play an important role in sauces and other gastronomic compositions. We still do not say that tomatoes are often used in raw form. And, despite all the wonders of selection, red varieties are most popular.

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Most popular red tomato varieties Maria Verbilkova

These types of tomatoes grown for many years ago, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. The red varieties adapt to the climate of our homeland, the soil and other factors affecting the growth and development of plants. Our ancestors found new methods of crop mining, they came up with how to deal with pests, and red tomatoes are a culture that reached our days, retaining the best in itself. This plant has many different varieties.

This variety has such characteristics:

  1. High height of the bush.
  2. Spill for averages.
  3. Fruits of large size.
  4. Give a good harvest.
  1. High growth.
  2. The fruits are sweaty, as they say, there is something to see.
  3. Have a little elongated shape with a pointed end.
  4. The variety is known for a long time.
  5. Very frozen.
  1. Good fleshy tomatoes.
  2. A rather high height of the bush.
  3. The variety is a rich harvest.
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Most popular red tomato varieties Maria Verbilkova
  1. The fruits are spilled quite a long time.
  2. Also high growth.
  3. Fruits are not very large, but they cannot be called small.
  4. There may be up to ten tomatoes on the brush.
  5. De Barao - frost-resistant grade.
  1. High height of the bush.
  2. The fruits of large dimensions.
  3. Meaty grade.
  1. High growth.
  2. The average time of having tomatoes.
  3. Abundant harvest (it can be achieved with a competent leaving for the plant).
  1. Saturated scarlet shade.
  2. Fruits are quite large.
  3. Dense.
  4. Not a very long period of sleeping.
  1. Low bush growth.
  2. Middle Spectacle.
  3. It gives a very good harvest.
  4. Rich red color.
  1. A bush can grow to 1.4 meters.
  2. Fruits dense.
  3. Taste sweet, pleasant.
  4. Not very watery.
  5. Perfect for canning in our juice.
Most Popular Red Tomato Varieties 7332_3
Most popular red tomato varieties Maria Verbilkova

Inside vegetables there is a lot of free space, because in the tomatoes of this growth there are not so much pulp, which is why they are very comfortable to stuff.

  1. Low bush growth.
  2. Quickly sleep.
  3. Low plant.
  4. Early catching time.
  5. On the brush can be more eight fruits. This variety feels perfectly if it is raised in the open soil.

In order for tomatoes to give a rich harvest, it is necessary to feather the soil with humus, chimney, wood ash, yeast feeding.

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