Tree landing in spring: rules and features


Good afternoon, my reader. The favorable landing time of trees depends on the climatic features of the region. Residents of the southern regions move seedlings into an open soil in the fall, since when planting in the spring, trees may not fit before warming, in which case there is a risk of burning burns and the death of plants.

Tree landing in spring: rules and features 7329_1
Tree landing in spring: rules and features of Maria Verbilkova

In central Russia, gardeners are available both options: the climate allows lossless seedlings as fall and spring. And in the northern regions should not land trees in the fall, because frosts occur early, the probability of hypothermia is high. Therefore, the best option for residents of these territories is a spring planting of trees.

  1. Exclusion of the likelihood of wood freezing, which often happens in the fall. In the spring, the gardener can control the process of the observing of the plant, take action if something went wrong.
  2. As a rule, in spring enough time for all preparatory activities. Experts have time to do everything you need before landing: add feeding to the soil, develop a plan for seedlings, prepare tools. Qualitative preparation for the process is the key to successful growth and development of wood.
  1. Before the summer, the choice in specialized stores and on the market is not as wide, it is in the fall that you need to choose the selection material.
  2. If the summer is too hot, the need for daily watering seedlings will appear, which will significantly increase the duties of the gardener.

Filled in autumn material for growing must be prepared before planting. To do this, inspect the root system for patients, damaged or dead sites. If these are detected, they are removed. Also, the sektor is cut off the growths and shocked too long roots.

For most seedlings, the South and South-Western side will fit, in such places the plants will receive so many sunlight as they need. Do not forget to take into account the rotation when choosing a plot, such as a cherry and an apple tree, together will be comfortable, but a pear and cherry - on the contrary, they will harm each other with close neighborhood.

Tree landing in spring: rules and features 7329_2
Tree landing in spring: rules and features of Maria Verbilkova

The distance between the trees is from 1.5 to 6 m, for each plant it is individual. The soil for seedlings are preparing in advance: in the summer, otherwise it will not be possible to create trees a favorable environment. Deadline for soil processing - 2 weeks before landing.

The first stage of preparation includes the removal of weeds, the second implies feeding with a nutritional fertilizer consisting of a compote, peat with superphosphate, potash salt. Final stage - soil markup with a shovel, installation of breakdown pegs.

The pit must be round, with the stewed walls, for the seeding garter, stick the stake with a length of 1-2 m, to the bottom it is necessary to place a turf layer, and after - a fertile substrate. Then you need to form a holmik in which the seedling is placed close to the cola by controlling the root distribution.

The plant is placed in the soil along the root neck, it should be 3-5 cm above the ground level. If the seedling is too far, it is possible to provoke the process of rotting. Then the Earth is compacted, the barrel of the seedling is tied to the cola in two places. Around the trunk around the perimeter form a roller.

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