Shrub Loch: 7 main advantages of the plant


    Good afternoon, my reader. Loch (Gumi) is a multilateral berry culture, often planted purely in decorative purposes. Indeed, for the middle lane, this shrub looks somewhat exotic, standing out of the unusual gray-green coloring of the leaves, from below having silver color. Yes, and he came to her relatively recently. His natural homeland is central China.

    Shrub Loch: 7 main advantages of the plant 7310_1
    Shrub Loch: 7 main advantages of Plants Maria Verbilkova

    Shrub Loch. (Photo used from

    Fruits, leaves, roots of this wonderful shrub have long been applied in traditional Chinese medicine. And the fruits and without treating are good - on a pleasant sour-sweet taste resemble currants and cherry. Also, they get juice, make compotes, dried for the winter and are used for various tinctures.

    Shrub Loch: 7 main advantages of the plant 7310_2
    Shrub Loch: 7 main advantages of Plants Maria Verbilkova

    Shrub Loch. (Photo used from the site Sadik.TOMSK.RU)

    • Unpretentious. Shrubs are resistant to droughts, withstand small frosts. There are no special requirements for the soil, easily adapt to most of its types. They can grow both in the sun and in the shade, although if you need to get a good harvest with bushes, it is still better to plant them in a sunny place.
    • Self-duration. Even if only one bush is planted in the garden, he will be fruit. Although a group of several bushes is better pollinated, and therefore, and the harvest from each bush will be abundant. The bushes are grown compactly and do not grow on the site.
    • Sociality. Loch is able to form flowering kidneys for one year and produce fruits. The first flowers appear already on the planted cuttings, but fully fruit shrub will begin only in 5-6 years.
    • Humanity. Strong frosts Loch does not like. Experienced gardeners in the fall specially bend the branches of the shrub to the ground and fall asleep with their snow. Soothes, not covered by him, can freeze and die. But it restores it quickly enough, every year up to 10 young shoots appear. Differs Loch and longevity - the bush will calmly grow in one place for more than 20 years.
    • Easy reproduction. It can be carried out in a vegetative way and seeds (under the bushes it is often possible to see the sprouted self-sacker). For the formation of planting material from ripened fruits, the most healthy seeds are selected, which fall apart on an empting bed. A year later, seedlings can already be transplanted on the place allocated under them. Green loach cuttings are rooted, cut from bushes in mid-June. It is possible to multiply with it and the gifts, for which in the spring should be laid down the shoots in specially dug up grooves. For the next year or at the end of the season, the tank can already be separated from the maternal plant, digging out and transferred to the selected landing site.
    • Decorativeness. Loch shrubs look attractive throughout the season. In the spring, they are decorated with many beautiful white flowers, in summer they are thickly covered with an unusual elliptical leaves. They have a different color from above and below (gray-green and silver), so that when they are dried in the wind, the effect of the phenomenon is created. Well, closer to the fall, the shrub is decorated with a variety of bright red berries. Lucky is good, so gardeners are often planted as a green border, decorating garden and park tracks. At the same time, his bushes will not stop fruit.

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