Why Apple Chargers are so big and what they are worse than the rest.


If you have a MacBook, you should know that the power adapter, which comes with them complete, significantly more third-party solutions. Despite this, their power is often weakly correlated with dimensions. I admit that many never thought about it. In the end, until recently, I myself belonged to their number until I had a chance to go on a trip with one miniature portfolio, from which my MacBook Air is treacherously chopped, taking people passing by me. Well, that soon Apple will fix this problem.

Why Apple Chargers are so big and what they are worse than the rest. 7308_1
Apple has such big charges due to imperfection of production technology

Apple told about the problems that Magsafe charging

The cause of large sizes of Apple's branded memory is the production technology. The fact is that they are based on such a conductor as silicon. Its use, firstly, requires the use of a larger number of components in the design of the adapter of the power adapter, and, secondly, the adapter itself is less energy efficient, due to which the accompanying energy losses turn out to be greater than that of the analogs. As a result, it heats up more, and charging the devices to which is connected, slightly faster.

What charger to buy for Apple devices

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This is a 65-watt charger from Baseus, it is more powerful, but the Epplovsky compact

The accessories manufacturers have long seen that silicon chargers are less winned than nitride gallium, which are gradually becoming a new industry standard. The main criterion is cheaper production due to the use of a smaller number of parts and more compact dimensions. For example, the 30-watt memory grooves from Apple approximately correspond to the 65-watt power supply from Baseus. Not only is the latter is even cheaper, so it is also more versatile and is suitable for a wide range of devices.

Lightning cables from all iPhone are no longer suitable for old charms

According to some information, Apple is also interested in nitride gallium chargers and plans to translate all its devices to them. It is still difficult to say when it can occur, but if you believe the sources of DigiTimes, it has long been studying a new technology for the production of power adapters and actively establish contacts with component suppliers. Considering that this is already known to sectoral experts, the nitride gallium memory from Apple can already come out this year, closer to autumn.

New apple charger

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GAN chargers use nitride-gallium production technology

It is reported that, first of all, Apple plans to release gallium nitride chargers for MacBook. Most likely, it will be a MacBook Pro, because the first charger of this kind must have a power of 65 W. Such power is clearly redundant for MacBook Air, but insufficient for MacBook Pro 16 ", which includes a 100-watt block. Consequently, the only candidate for a 65-watt charger based on Gallium nitride is MacBook Pro 13. "

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In fact, it is strange that Apple still produces their power adapters for outdated technology. The fact is that many manufacturers have long mastered the nitride-gallium techniques and successfully conquer the market with their help. And since recently, Apple has happened several incidents with charging devices, then there is nothing surprising that more and more consumers prefer third-party power adapters like those that offers Baseus, company solutions from Cupertino.

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