Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Cups (Sedumes)


    Good afternoon, my reader. Customs, or Sedum, can not be called a catchy, spectacular flower. However, there is some elusive charm in it. In addition, unpretentious perennial is ideal for decorating the garden landscape.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Seduum (photo used by standard license ©

    Sound surcharges received their name due to the stalks sparing along the soil, the length of which ranges from 15 to 30 cm. The long-term plant is easily multiplied with cuttings and shoots with roots, quickly forming a dense carpet.

    This culture ability is used in the design of rocky gardens, mountaineering and other flower arrangements. In addition, the sewing units are suitable for disembarking in vases, suspended porridge.

    Popular variety with leaf-blue color and small flowers (0.7 cm in diameter) located on relatively high blooms (15-20 cm). Pale pink buds in the open form acquire a purple shade.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Clamp Anakapseros (photos from

    Anakapseros blooming at the end of July - early August, prefers moderate watering, neutral or weakly acidic soil. Easily rooted and quickly grows thanks to the stems splaspheled on the ground.

    Low shoots with a height of 8-10 cm form not too dense thickets. Stems with fleshy bluish-buty leaves having red edging are crowned with lush raspberry inflorescences collected from small flowers (0.5 cm in diameter).

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Vasilchnychs (photos from

    Frost-resistant culture needs bright lighting, well-drained and moderately wet soil. Blossom occurs in the late summer - early autumn.

    Bright green leaves on the connecting stems form a dense carpet. Against this background, a yellow-lemon beads located on high blooms (10-25 cm) are highlighted in this background.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Hybrid Customs (Photo with

    Evergreen culture perfectly multiplies (rooted) and no cold or heat is afraid. The flowering period occurs in August-September. Slowing inflorescences together with brown seeds are often used for winter bouquets.

    This is one of the most popular and unpretentious gardening orders suitable for growing even on a scarce or stony ground. This property of shrub sedums is widely used when making an alpine slide, rocaries, artificial reservoirs.

    Unpretentious culture is distinguished by long blossoms that continue to the most frosts. In contrast to the sharpening articles, tall views are poorly tolerated drought and consume more moisture.

    One of the most spectacular sedumes forms thick bushes with a height of 30-70 cm. The fleshy green leaves with a smoky raid and umbrella inflorescences of white, bright pink, raspberry and purple boutons look like wax.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Customs prominent (photo with Plant-identification.Net)

    The plant is not demanding that the soil composition, but does not tolerate the excess of moisture. Clear prominent is often used not only for landing in open ground, but also in container gardens.

    Compact bushes of this seat are highlighted by saturated green carved leaves and bright yellow flowers in the form of stars. Unpretentious culture from the family of the Ukrainian reaches a height of 20-50 cm. The flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until the end of the warm season.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Sugid Living (photos with

    The plant does not need fertile soil and bright lighting, quite comfortably feels even in shading. However, prefers moderate watering.

    Strengthening bushes (30-60 cm) with large bright green with white border leaves bloom in autumn (September-October). The plant develops perfectly both on well-lit plots and in a small shading.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Sedume Redotchoe (photos with

    Lush inflorescences are painted in white tone or wide range of pink shades. Non-soil culture needs moderate moisture.

    This kind of low-speed Sedumes is growing even in the most adverse conditions. The only condition for their full-fledged development is a moderate watering and systematic loosening of the soil.

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    Unobtrusive Beauty: Descriptions of Garden Clear (Sedumes) Nelya

    Cancer caustic (photos from YouTube)

    This group of dwarfs includes the following types:

    • Caustic
    • White;
    • Pale yellow;
    • Spanish and others.

    Most of these sedumes form curtains from 4-5 to 10-15 cm. One of the bright representatives of the species - Middaddorf's clefts. The height of its shoots with bright green carved leaves ranges from 8 to 30 cm.

    Large orange yellow flowers are located on long stems (10-30 cm). The plant needs minimal care, is well evolving in any conditions.

    Bright, unpretentious surcharges will become an integral part of the decor of your garden. You just need to choose the type of this plant you like.

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