Why iPhone 12 mini has no analogues on android


The iPhone 12 mini with a 5.4-inch screen is one of the most - if at all is not the most-compact premium-segment smartphones. There is no competitors at all on this indicator. The nearest flagship - Galaxy S21 - has almost an inch greater screen, which adds to him more centimeter in height and half astimeter in width. The rest with the dimensions are even worse with the dimensions, because to meet a smartphone with a screen less than 6 inches on the market is almost impossible. Just in fact, they are not needed to anyone, even though some are desperately trying not to admit it.

Why iPhone 12 mini has no analogues on android 7299_1
iPhone 12 mini is a smartphone that has no competitors yet, but will soon appear. Another thing - are they needed?

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Sony plans to release a compact smartphone Xperia Compact 2021. This was reported by Insider Steve Hommerstoffer, known as onleaks. He shared not only by the characteristic features of the upcoming novelties, but also published her image. We analyze every aspect of the smartphone separately.

The most compact smartphone on Android

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Xperia Compact 2021 is a new compact Sony smartphone, and perhaps the most compact smartphone on Android

The first thing to pay attention to is on the dimensions of Xperia Compact 2021. The novelty will receive a display with a diagonal of 5.5 inches. It's just 0.1 inches more than the iPhone 12 mini, but it will promise his useful area more. The fact is that the iPhone has a part of the screen with a volumetric visor, whereas Sony has a small drop-shaped sealing.

On the other hand, Xperia Compact 2021 has a very thick framework along the edges and an outstanding protrusion under the screen wide, probably 4-5 mm. Obviously, the flagship model cannot have such appearance, which means that the future smartphone will rather relate to the average or even a budget segment of the market. That is, the direct competition of the iPhone 12 mini, the Japanese novelty will not be able to make a choice for non-additive users who are looking for a compact apparatus for the role of the second.

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From the point of view of technological equipment, Xperia Compact 2021 stars from the sky also lacks. Pay attention to the camera. The Japanese is double and clearly not stand out. The manufacturer intentionally decided not to make a dominant of all design out of her, hinting in such a way that the novelty is not drawn on the role of the camera phone.

Even popular and extremely inexpensive for today's standards of the display scanner are not there. Here he is physical and built into the side face. In principle, it should be convenient and efficient, since this kind of sensors work better than optical, integrated into the matrix, but it looks like this solution is rather strange for 2021. Still, in order to attract the consumer, it often has to be resorted by not the most practical, but more technological solutions.

Disadvantages of compact smartphones

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Xperia Compact 2021 has nothing to do with the flagships, but it does not matter. I wouldn't buy it anyway

But this is only the top of the iceberg. As very accurately noticed my colleague Artem Sutyagin, a small smartphone is a small battery. That is, live such a device even at low glands will be catastrophically small. At best, the manufacturer will provide such a battery for 3000 mA * h, or even less. As a result, it will allow the smartphone to stretch the light day at best, forcing the user to rush home so as not to stay without communication.

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Obviously, compact smartphones on Android are a completely unnecessary and impractical thing. Manufacturers are unprofitable to do them, because they will buy an absolute minority, and therefore they are unlikely to be even disconnected from the development. After all, who needs a smartphone with a screen, on which it is impossible to play, nor watch a video nor to put on the Internet, not breaking the eyes?

Of course, no one will make flagships with such appearance, since the prospects for them will not have a smooth account. Already even Apple understood this by cutting the volumes of the production of iPhone 12 mini, which turned out to be little interesting to users. Therefore, do not fool your head and take a normal smartphone with normal sizes. You will have much more opportunities for consumption of content.

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