5 films from the festival "Sandens", which should be waited by hire

5 films from the festival
5 films from the festival "Sandens", which should be waited by Dmitry Eskin

The main review of American independent cinema, the Sundance festival, which this year, though also passed online and lost a few in the number of belts represented, but it did not affect the quality of the tender films. Time Out says what tapes should pay attention to

"Brothers Sparks" Edgar Wright

The famous author of the cult "Scott Pilgrim against All" plays with audience expectations. Instead of the long-awaited "last night in Soyo", the release of which is appointed right at the end of October, Edgar Wright presented the documentary picture of the Sparks Brothers, talking about the legendary California Sparks group. Two-s-hour-hour-hour confession in love is worth seeing at least the sake of the signature ritov sense of humor that did not leave him and in documentary work. Beck, Bjork, Neil Geiman - all of them gradually add strokes to greatness, tell about how the brothers' music influenced them.

If you have not heard of Sparks before, then nothing terrible, Wright directly says that I would like to tell this film about your favorite group as many people as possible and, if possible, fall in love with the audience in your heroes.

A commemological desire, given the skill of the director, it is very difficult for him to resist - the tour of the discography is regularly continuing and after the history of timekeeping has already been independent. If in search of additives you will not begin hands and ears, then you do not have a heart.

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"Code" Shan Heder

The unconditional winner of Sandens, for the first time in the history of the festival, picking four awards immediately, of course, deserves our closest attention, especially since this is not an excess, because immediately after the premiere, without waiting for the end of the competition, the right to film was sold to Apple TV + for $ 25 million.

The story of Ruby Rossi, the only deaf hearing in the family, conquered the audience, and critics. On the one hand, she needs to continue to be with his family, because without it it will be much more difficult for them to earn their accommodation and food. And on the other hand, she is an independent person, not deaf, she has his dreams and aspirations, besides, it is already so over 10 years old, as actually works as a survival for the whole family. The classic plug between the family and the future is so powerful and beautiful that it is impossible to stay at some moments from tears, this is an American independent movie in the best form.

Once, it was from such victories to popularity and the Cohen brothers ("just blood", "old men are not there place") and Damien Chasell ("obsession", "La La Land").

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"Prisoners of the Ghost Country" Zion Sono

The main charming of the world cinema finally gets out of the coryga of the national film industry and not one, but with Nicolas Cage. That, by the way, already called the experience of filming with Sono, the most strange thing happened to him in his career, and this guy knows exactly what he says.

The plot of the American debut of the Japanese master is extremely simple: the governor, you can say the sheriff of a small town enough of a bad guy with polishing on a robbery attack, but promises him freedom if he returns his daughter who escaped somewhere on the wastely. There is nothing to do, the hero of Cage has to agree.

The secret is that it is not just a fighter that tens of thousands are removed, and a large-scale cross-piece representation, in which in addition to the general beauty and wildness of what is happening, hidden hundreds of references and to the bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and to the unrest of 1968, and to classic American westerns , and to Ciberpane, and what is just not. Zion Sono, after removing almost four dozen of most varieties, still does not lose his grip and does not forget to joke that they just regretted the Western viewer, and the most interesting is waiting for him, and of us, of course, ahead.

"At the expense of three" jerrod Karmaikla

Standap-comic Karmichko came to the director to tell his story, or rather, retell the old on the new way - two best friends are going to commit suicide, but at the last moment they decide to give themselves another day to complete all the things. Someone, of course, will survive, well, and someone will have to die, because, in the end, when two healthy guys and trunks and suicidal inclinations are falling across the city, and can not be.

One I want to visit my family, another - his children's psychiatrist, who only complicated him and without that serious life. Of course, we are accustomed that in such films at the end of the heroes think "Wau, and life, it turns out, a beautiful thing" and refuse their intentions, but it is clearly not the case, all are serious.

However, the obstacles on the path heroes will also be enough, not just that "on the expense of three" received their reward for the best scenario.

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"Run" Jonas Poera Rasmussen

And we finish, as we started, the documentary work, in the end, the Sandens docking competition was always one of the strongest in the world, did not exception this year, in the nomination "Best International Documentary film" won the Danish picture "Run". This is an animated story of the Afghan refugee of Amina, the story of his escape, full pain and fear. Most of the events goes, no matter how surprisingly, not in Denmark and not in Afghanistan, but in Russia of the early 90s, Limbe between Islamic Hell and a prosperous Scandinavia, in which Afghan teenager was clearly not in his will.

Empty store shelves, corrupt militiamen, the discovery of McDonalds in Pushkin, "Aviator House" on the running - this is the way with all the stops and testes in, perhaps, the worst country for Afghan refugees.

Every time the thought that this is a real story scratches the heart, the skill of the director Rasmussen and the successfulness of the story chosen for the story does not cause any doubt - we will definitely see "Run" in the list of nominees on Oscar next year.

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