10 films with Likhim and epic plot, whose author - life itself


Whatever a bright imagination has writers and writers, but films based on real events, as a rule, produce a special impression on the viewer. And this is not surprising: after all, the realization that such intricacies of fate were really present in the life of the same ordinary people, as we ourselves, excuses the stronger of the most unpredictable twist in some fictional world.

In this matter, we are not an exception in adme.ru, and therefore, we looked at every picture from this selection with a genuine pleasure. And now we can confidently declare: the storm of emotions from each of them is guaranteed.

Case Richard Jowella (2019)

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© Richard Jewell / Warner Bros.

  • IMDB rating - 7.5
  • Rating "Film" - 7.6

Richard Jewell dreamed of a career in law enforcement agencies all his life, however, because of his meticulousness, the source of conflicts became often becoming a source of conflicts and had a lot of failures and dismissal. In the summer of 1996, luck smiles again, and he arranges to work as a security guard in the Centhennial Park during the Olympic Games in Atlanta. On the night of July 27, he notices a suspicious backpack under the bench. Thanks to its timely actions on the call of a sapper and the conclusion of people from the zone of dangerous device, hundreds of lives are saved. However, in the FBI office, they quickly come to the conclusion that Jowell himself perfectly corresponds to the psychological profile of the criminal. Further events of this biographical drama will not leave anyone indifferent, and in a large extent, thanks to the brilliant game of the actor of the first plan - the floor of Walter Hauser.

Hotel Mumbai: confrontation (2018)

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© Hotel Mumbai / ScreenWest

  • IMDB rating - 7.6
  • Rating "Film" - 7.7

The plot of this picture talks about the tragic events that occurred in Mumbai in 2008. One evening, on November 28, unrest began in the city, and the crowd of frightened passersby in panic rushes to the hotel Taj Mahal Palace - one of the most luxurious hotels in India. Following them, a group of armed people is broken into the building - the perpetrators of what is happening. Guests of the hotel, not without the help of brave personnel, have to hide independently and save in the walls of the hotel in anticipation of the rescue operation, which is organized by the police. The film keeps in voltage throughout the timing and will certainly enjoy fans of dynamic cinema.

Perfect Patient (2019)

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© The Perfect Patient / Film I Väst, © Malou Efter Tio / YouTube

  • IMDB rating - 6.8
  • Rating "Film" - 6.5

Thomas Kwiek never differed in exemplary behavior and strong psyche, which is why it turns out to be in a psychiatric hospital. Therapy is progressing successfully until it begins to confess the commitment of dozens of crimes. Interrogations followed by their confessions, for them - legal proceedings and recognition by his guilty. Everything was found as it should not be better until Journalist Hannes Gostam, does not decide to conduct his own investigation and does not find that Quick is convicted on doubtful grounds: the investigation did not have a single evidence of his guilt, except for the words of Thomas himself. However, no one is in a hurry to believe in the innocence of a man and produce him to freedom. Thomas Kwika is called the most scandalous trial in the history of Sweden. The perfect choice for fans of exciting psychological thrillers.

Dark Waters (2019)

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© Dark Waters / Participant Media

  • IMDB rating - 7.6
  • Rating "Film" - 7.7

This film was based on the real history of the lawsuit of the corporate lawyer Robert Bilottte against the Dupont chemical company. Farmer Wilbur Tennant connects frightening anomalies and animal death in the area in which his own farm is located, with the activities of the Dupont located near the Chemical Plant. He refers to Robert with a request to conduct an investigation, along the way, supplying a huge amount of evidence. But the company itself, of course, is not going to put up with the fact that someone climbs into her inner kitchen. The picture will have to do with everyone who loves dramatic plots about the serious confrontation of a small man with the cynical world of mega-corporations.

Escape from Pretoria (2020)

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© Escape From Pretoria / Footprint Films, © Dennis Van Zuijlekom / CC BY-SA 4.0 / Wikimedia Commons

  • IMDB rating - 6.8
  • Rating "Film" - 6.7

1979, South Africa. Two best friends and freedom fighters of Tim Jenkin and Stephen Whether in the Central Pretoria prison due to disagreement with what is happening in the country and for the spread of campaign leaflets. Relief in their rightight, they do not want to stay in imprisonment and together with other prisoners come up with a bold plan of escape. A fascinating and intense thriller about the selfless struggle against the system and injustice with the unsurpassed Daniel Radcliffe in the lead role.

Race Century (2018)

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© The Mercy / Blueprint Pictures

  • IMDB rating - 6.0
  • Rating "Film" - 6.2

The company of the English businessman, the inventor and Aventurist Donald Crochler is on the verge of bankruptcy, and he decides to save it, taking part in the Golden Globe around the world, which the Sunday Times newspaper announced. According to the rules of the race, the participants must begged the globe without a single stop. The victory and the monetary prize receives the one who comes to the finish line first. With the support of his wife and children, Donald confidently filed a request and claimed a solid amount to develop a trimaran who will be the fastest vessel in the race. Despite the fact that the problems waited even at the very start, the businessman does not give up and thinks another insane adventure. This is the perfect choice for fans of adventure drama with a dynamic plot and star cast.

Sacrificing a pawn (2014)

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© Pawn Sacrifice / Palm-Star Entertainment, © Johnny Carson / YouTube

  • IMDB rating - 7.0
  • Rating "Film" - 7.0

Bobby Fisher since childhood was distinguished not only by an unbearable character, but also crazy love for chess. The passion captured them so much that it became the matter of all his life, and the main goal of Bobby chose the overthrow of the Soviet chess school. After many years and mental pensions, which sometimes were the result not only external circumstances, but also the mental instability of the Bobby himself, Fisher's Match with the champion Boris Sunsky will finally take place. Despite the narrowly specific topics of the film, which shown in it, the intense struggle with external enemies and internal demons will be remembered to everyone.

Beautiful, bad, evil (2019)

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© Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile / Voltage Pictures

  • IMDB rating - 6.6
  • Rating "Film" - 6.8

In 1969, a lawyer Ted Bandee meets the young mother-haired Liz Kendall in one of Seattle bars. Thoughtful and intelligent guy pretty quickly conquers the heart of the girl and soon moves to her and helps to raise her daughter Molly. But after only 5 years, information about numerous crimes of an unknown man appears in the press. Ted first turns out to be solved, and then pretty quickly becomes the main one. However, Liz refuses to believe it. Biographical criminal thriller about scandalous history, which is told from the point of view of the girl in love.

In the power of the elements (2018)

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© Adrift / Stx Entertainment, © Backstageol / YouTube

  • IMDB rating - 6.6
  • Rating "Film" - 6.8

Temi during his travels turns out to be on Tahiti and decides to linger there before returning home. Thanks to this decision, she meets the island with British Richard, and love flashes between young people. After some time, Richard informs a girl that agreed to overtake a luxurious yacht of acquaintances through the Pacific Ocean in California, and invites her to swim along with him. TEMI agrees. However, a romantic journey quickly turns around to disaster: the ship oversleeps one of the most powerful hurricanes in history. This is a bright and exciting movie on the desperate survival, which will not literally allow you to break away from the screen.

Dark Times (2017)

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  • IMDB rating - 7.4
  • Rating "Film" - 7.4

In May 1940, Winston Churchill comes to power in the UK. But there is no time to rejoice in the destination, because the future of Europe is under threat, and the UK was in the epicenter of tragic events. The Ministry of Country insists in negotiations with the enemy, the circumstances are not the best circumstances, but to wait for nowhere. However, Churchill resolutely refuses the truce and puts the main task of saving fighters from Dunkirk. This role brought Gary Oldman a few awards for the best male role, and the film itself received as many as 9 nominations for the BAFTA Prize. Therefore, we can confidently say that it will have to taste even to those who do not particularly complain historical films.

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