I smeared a watering can for seedlings so that the jet does not damage thin stems


After retirement a couple of years ago, my husband and I finally performed a long-time dream - moved to the city, to the village, closer to nature and away from production mud, dust and noise.

I smeared a watering can for seedlings so that the jet does not damage thin stems 7240_1

Everything was wonderful - fresh air, the atmosphere of freedom, wide and beauty of Russian lands. They were afraid that they were bored, still spent so many years in the city, but no, I quickly found myself a new passion - the garden and the garden! I can dig a whole day on the beds, study the plants.

For me at some point, the question of watering plants. The thing is what: if we water the seedlings from the mug, then the jet will be strong, sprouts are polyut, and therefore plants will hurt.

Yes, someone can offer as an ordinary garden watering can. But the fact is that we, for example, you need to go to the city, and we are rarely taking such colors. Of course, we acquired a waterway to the waterway, but until that moment I still found a quick, simple and budget solution to the problem.

Structure soft, accurate, conveniently adjust. Just me with a sick back it is hard to lean to each tumbler and sprinkle the leaves-root.

Yes, and that girl had a couple of beds in Kashpo on the balcony, while we had a whole garden. Even if I had connected a husband to watering, the process took long hours every day.

However, this method pushed me on an interesting idea, for the embodiment of which I took with great enthusiasm, now I have a hurry to share.

I smeared a watering can for seedlings so that the jet does not damage thin stems 7240_2

The basis was the ordinary canning bank (here's exactly in every house, even in the most gravity village always there, and even in large quantities).

A trifle, it would seem, but do not be lazy to do it: the tetanus will always pick up, too, believe me, digging in the ground, there will be no problems with this.

Next with a hammer and subtle nail, I traveled in the bottom of the banks of the hole. It is necessary to make it so that the holes are distributed evenly and were located everywhere - from the edges to the center.

I picked up tin radially, making five circles: in the largest 17 points, in the smallest 3, another hole in the middle.

Now you have an improvised leka that can be used both on an ongoing basis and as a temporary method of irrigation. Better, of course, do not save, and run into the nearest garden shop.

The bank accommodates quite a lot of water, makes the process more careful, and the strength you spend less than when you have with a syringe. Some advantages! But this Lifehak helped me at the initial stage of my garden activities, when it was less seedlings, and I did not think that he would get involved in it seriously. In any case, use on health!

By the way, you can also leave your discoveries relatively cheap and simple, but the right watering. I am sure that many of you are extremely ingeniously approached this issue, and it will be interesting to read.

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