What funds need a gardener for the breeding of tomatoes


    Good afternoon, my reader. Each gardener has its own set of different types of funds that it uses when working in the garden.

    What funds need a gardener for the breeding of tomatoes 7216_1
    What funds need a gardener for breeding Tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    They may not always be needed, but it is better to have them at hand. Depending on weather conditions, the state of the soil, the state of seedlings and plants may need a variety of combinations of drugs.

    Here we will introduce you to the minimum set of funds that each modern gardener needs to grow tomatoes in its garden.

    This drug is a miniature soil fungus, which is environmentally absolutely harmless. It produces several different antibiotics, which are struggling with root rot, phytoofluoro and other fungal diseases.

    This drug many gardeners are constantly used in the processing of their sites. This is the name of a microorganism that produces enzymes that remove the products of the renovation decomposition, as a result, amino acids and vitamins, useful garden plants are synthesized. It is also used to prevent and combat a number of diseases.

    Usually, comprehensive fertilizers include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (k), which are denoted by the total abbreviation NPK. Each of the components of this complex the element plays an important role in the growth and development of plants. At the same time, the selection of the ratios of these elements depends on the needs of each gardener.

    What funds need a gardener for the breeding of tomatoes 7216_2
    What funds need a gardener for breeding Tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Tomato feeding. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    Bor is needed by plants to improve metabolism and producing chlorophyll. In fact, this element is needed so that the plant "breathe". It is part of the boric acid, which gardeners are used to process seeds and include feeding.

    Any plant in certain stages of its development needs a wide variety of minerals. Sulfur and magnesium enter this extensive list. It is sulfur-acid magnesium that can add this necessary complex minerals.

    This substance has the widest range of exposure to the plant and enjoys an authority from experienced gardeners. By adding this substance to the feeder, you can improve the soil flora, stimulate the growth and proper development of seedlings and increase the yield of garden crops.

    Over time, any soil changes its acid balance, and its acidity rises. To correct the situation, Dolomitic flour comes to the rescue. This is an environmentally friendly substance when entering into the soil, not only reduces its acidity, but makes it loose and easy. Made into clay and heavy soils, the dolomite flour changes their composition and makes suitable for landing.

    This drug is needed to combat such garden pests, like a wave, vegetable tick, various types of caterpillars. Processing them prevents the proliferation of these garden pests on the site.

    What funds need a gardener for the breeding of tomatoes 7216_3
    What funds need a gardener for breeding Tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Tomato treatment. (Photo used by standard license © ogorodnye-shpargalki.ru)

    This drug has perfectly proven itself when combating scraper pests, such as a silkworm, garden mole, beyanka, leaflerting, spine and others. Due to its wide range of action, it is indispensable in the set of preparations of each gardener.

    The presence of this drug in the gardener set is guaranteed to save you from the larvae of the Colorado beetle and the web tick, as well as from many caterpillars.

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