Magic pill for youth: peptides in skin care


Peptides in cosmetics

We have already told about Botox when dealing with wrinkles and what to replace it, and today we will talk about the role of peptides in care.

Peptides are short amino acid chains that perform the "signal" function, that is, its role is to transfer the skin to the skin cell to various actions. Peptides are different and perform different tasks: stimulation of collagen synthesis, clarification of pigmentation, moisturizing and restoring the skin, etc.

When we talk about the peptide cream, we mean the integrated anti-like effect: skin seal, lifting effect, waiting for it filled and writing skin.

Peptides perfectly moisturize the skin at the expense of amino acids. They have property attract and hold moisture. Due to this, the skin becomes filled with and elastic, and, as you know, well-moisturized skin is more attractive, visually, the wrinkles and other flaws are visible on it.

What peptides are the most efficient? Definitely signal that sends the signal to the skin on the production of collagen and elastin.

Anti-aging can include peptides that inhibit enzymes that destroy collagen. They do not send a signal to develop a new collagen, and do so that enzymes in our skin, which destroy collagen, were neutralized, thereby, they retain our skin elastic.

A sufficient amount of collagen is very important, as it gives not only a young food skin, but also contributes to the preservation of the facial oval.

With which you can combine peptides

Peptides are not conflict, they are perfectly combined:

  • vitamin C;
  • retinol;
  • niacinamide;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • acids (only if pH is not lower than 3!).

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Copper Peptide

In addition to simple peptides, there is another effective view - copper peptide.

It is the peptide of copper that is a powerful antijage component with proven efficacy! His action is similar to Retinol:

  • It also stimulates skin renewal;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, elastin;
  • promotes regeneration and healing of skin, including sensitive and damaged;
  • removes sensitivity;
  • Works with unwanted pigmentation;
  • Promotes the regulation of the production of sebum.

There is even one study that says that Petype of copper is even more effective in its anti-aging properties than retinol.

But together and with good effectiveness there are a number of side effects (also similar to retinol): peeling, irritation, increased dry skin. Therefore, this ingredient must be introduced into its daily skin care gradually (1-2 times a week), in a small concentration, follow the skin reaction and restore, if necessary (add moisturizing, lipids, that is, carefully, as for dehydrated skin) .

By the way, if a means with a peptide of copper "working", it will always have a blue shade!

What can be combined with copper peptide

This asset is not such a "friendly" like simple peptides!

It does not combine:

  • vitamin C;
  • retinol;
  • strong antioxidants.

Why is this happening? Because copper ions are catalysts of oxidative processes. Roughly speaking, the copper peptide begins to oxidize vitamin C, retinol and antioxidants. It threatens that all these components will be less effective, that is, lose some of their properties.

Growth factors in cosmetics

Growth factors are not short, but long amino acid chains - polypeptides, which mimic our own growth factors (natural molecules of our skin), which also contribute to the production of collagen, skin regeneration, skin moisturizing. It is the factors of growth especially well contribute to moisturizing and fullness of the skin.

Cosmetics with growth factors is not recommended for oncology. Moreover, in healthy people, they do not provoke oncology, there is also no evidential base that they provoke malignant neoplasms with benign tumors or in people who have elevated risks.

But! Since growth factors can actively regenerate and stimulate cells, recommend not to use them oncollar and having a tendency to such diseases.

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