Kuzbassovs told, can the owners terminate the contract with the management company

Kuzbassovs told, can the owners terminate the contract with the management company 7177_1

Unhappy with snow cleaning residents of several territories at once. Only over the last week received more than 180 complaints. Today, the network has shots from Leninsk-Kuznetsky. According to people, huge ice boulders hang right above the sidewalk. For a direct connection with the studio, the head of the Gospise of Kuzbass Irina Gaydenko is published.

"Perhaps several options for termination of the contract. The first thing when the term of the contract ends. One of the parties does not plan to continue its action. For 30 days, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, should notify the second side. The second option is the early termination of the contract. In this case, it is possible only if the Criminal Code fulfills the terms of the contract. Here you need a definite evidence base. The general meeting is made a decision, the former companies are notified. Well, as I already said, there must be grounds for early termination of this contract.

It is still necessary to continue negotiations from the Criminal Code that residents plan to choose that it has already identified the terms of the contract, and this project was made on the agenda of the General Assembly. The decision is made if more than half of the owners took part in the meeting and more than half have voted for a particular Criminal Code. As for the evidence base, why the Criminal Code does not fulfill the contract: it includes a decree of any controller. It may be a resolution of GGGA, and Rospotrebnadzor, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There may also be acts that control the quality of work by municipalities. All these documents should be attached to the protocols of the General Assembly, so that they can be focused on why the contract is terminated and the new one is selected. Gee can see these rulings? First, the Criminal Code should inform citizens if they make a request for it, whether there were any violations, decisions and acts, as well as on the Gisjkh website in the "Criminal Code" section also place these documents.

To familiarize yourself with what company to choose, residents can choose the section "Licensing" (there is a list of the Criminal Code, the register of residential buildings) and already see which companies operate on the territory of this municipality. See what kind of houses it runs. And, accordingly, to communicate elementary with residents, owners of houses to find out how the services of one or another company.

Naturally, questions arise, and not all companies agree with the decision of the owners. Accordingly, the protocols can be recognized by invalid only in court. Either the residents themselves who voted against either did not decide in this meeting can file a lawsuit. As well as the previous company can sue, and the judicial authorities will decide on the legitimacy of a particular solution. There are such moments when protocols are brought to us, and the inhabitants simply do not know what the meeting was, and they took part there. Therefore, if the deadlines have not left yet, in the process of consideration of the package of documents, they can appeal to us. Statement - in free format. In addition, when such statements come to us, we are mandatory to transfer them to law enforcement agencies in order for them to take action on our part, as we are talking about fake documents, because the protocol is an official document. "

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