From contrasting staining to bang of different lengths: the most fashionable hairstyles of this season


Bangs of all sorts of variations and lengths

Bang is the easiest way to change the image or simply refresh your style. According to the makeup artists, this season in the trend will be a curly bang, ultrakortkaya, bangs until the middle of the face or heavily thrown, smooth and laid on a straight sample.

Contrast dyeing
Photo: Chloe Kala / Pexels
Photo: Chloe Kala / Pexels

"Hi, zero!" - This is how it is possible to characterize the popularity of two-layer staining returned. If you are not afraid to look bright and pay attention to others, then try to try on white top, dark bottom, painting hair tips into some contrast saturated shades. Looks very spectacious and bold.

Cashless curls
Photo: Ali Pazani / Pexels
Photo: Ali Pazani / Pexels

Locks always look very feminine and romantic, however, it is the spring stylists who recommend to give the will of fantasy and create a universal laying option, which, if desired, can be easily transformed into the evening. Just follow that Cucheryshiki looked careless and natural. Putter accuracy ruptures the impression and will look a little inappropriate.

Low tail

Laying with a low tail, according to experts, will be one of the most sought-after this spring. Firstly, it looks very neat and feminine, and secondly, quite simple in performance and is suitable for both a business meeting and a romantic date or a secular event. Low tail will especially effectively look at long hair and medium length hair. Create a surround option, lacquered or perfectly direct depending on the mood and occasion.

Spectacular beam
Photo: CottonBro / Pexels
Photo: CottonBro / Pexels

Ordinary neat and negligent beams really do not surprise anyone, so stylists recommend stretching in winding square bundles (a little snarling and 4 rollers will help embody the idea of ​​life) or spectacular variations that resemble evening laying. In fact, with such a hairstyle, you can go to the office, and to meet with friends. You only need to pick up the right outfit, so as not to look too much festive.

Straight long hair
Photo: Konstantin Mishchenko / Pexels
Photo: Konstantin Mishchenko / Pexels

Beautiful shiny hair always look very stylish, so if you have long spoiled long hair, now it's time to demonstrate the result. The main thing is to purchase suitable agents that will help get rid of hair electronization, moisturize them and prevent the appearance of split tips.

Massive hairpins, ribbons and rims

This time, the stylists continued the topic: the more hairpins and accessories - the better. So it is possible to diversify the hairstyle with a large number of invisible contrasting shades, massive hairpins, rims and silk ribbons (or silk scatters, which designers offer to wear on the head this season). Do not be afraid to be noticeable and create images suitable to your style and mood.

Photo: Wellington Cunha / Pexels

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