Hiromancer Boris Akimov: "Fate is character"

Hiromancer Boris Akimov:

Psychotherapist, the author of the first "complete encyclopedia of the Homoantia" Boris Akimov talked to Moskvich Mag that soon on the analysis of the DNA genetics will predict the future of a particular person more precisely than the chiromants on the palm lines, as using a conventional red handle to adjust their life And why it is impossible for hand to predict global cataclysms like wars or pandemics.

Most people turn to the chiromers when they want to know their future. How accurate are the forecasts on the hands of the hands?

If the chiromance is relied on a serious scientific base, he is not a fraudster and does not breed customers for money, then the accuracy of the forecast will be percent of fifty-five. However, we have serious specialists in the country less than fingers on one hand. Unlike scientists, chirromants do not work in the overall international scientific information field, do not analyze Big Data. Although my "complete encyclopedia of the Chiromantia", given my thirty years of experience, can claim the title of scientific book, since each statement is justified and there is an analysis and reference to the original sources. Despite the fact that in recent years, the chiromantia and dermatoglyphist (studying the papillary pattern of fingertips) came to a good level, this sphere remains a lonely.

The best events in the range of five years are visible on hand. There are certain signs and signs that may indicate serious crises and complex periods in a person's life, but with a hundred percent probability to say what it will be, impossible. If, say, a person's lifestyle breaks in 50 years, most likely, it is waiting for some difficult period and it can be assumed that it will be, but this is just version. And if a person is 30 years old, and the gap in 50, what to talk about? Still many times can change.

However, considering that modern genetics develops seven-mile steps, the life expectancy predictions, intellectual potential and health status on genetic analysis can be made much more accurate than hand.

My task is to help a person to deal with the current situation. I do not like to predict the future.


Around the chiromantia there are two myths. The first that the chiromantia and dermatoglyphic are lzhenayuki and they do not work. It is not the case, the drawing on the hands is individual and carries important information for a specialist. The second myth is that everything is written on your hand. But no one sits there somewhere and does not write, as a particular person should live his life. We have a certain picture of the world, laid at birth, as a DNA set, a general plan, but not a rigid instruction. And this very "roadmap" can be implemented, and we can go to another way. The future is multivariate.

Fate is character. By compiling a psychological portrait of a man, you already know how it will come in a particular situation.

Is it possible to predict illness by hand?

I am a doctor who has four medical specialties, one of which is oncology. When I was interested in the psychogenic causes of cancer, I watched the hands of the cancer and found a specific marker on the line of life, which called the "torn star". But I have seen a lot of onkopacitis and without this sign and yet with a long line of life, although as a doctor understood that they had less than a month. So happened, they died. So on all the will of God, know the hour of death is not in our power.

But I am convinced that the main reason for the leadership of Russia on onco-scabers is not connected with a bad environment and the state of medicine, but with a high level of aggression of our people and life in constant stress. Anyone born and grown in our country experienced psychotrampa - first in the maternity hospital, where the mother and child separates, then in government agencies: kindergarten, school, army. Not to mention domestic violence, alcoholism and authoritarianism in families. Everywhere the child explains that he is nobody, an empty place, than you will be obedient and more convenient, the better.

By compiling a psychological portrait of a man, you already know how it will come in a particular situation.

When my daughter studied in England, then the first bright impression was that students in school do not scold. There is a student - a person who needs to be revealed, do not disobey. And our totalitarian system is built in such a way as to teach the child to despise and hate a person and inspire him that this is spirituality. We live in the era of plants, double standards, aggression and, as a result, we have a high level of suicide, mental and somatic disorders and, of course, malignant tumors.

On the hand, chronic mental injury (stress) is immediately visible - these are small transverse wrinkles crossing the pillows of the fingers. Here you have such wrinkles. By the way, the same transverse wrinkles of stress are due to the violation of the water-salt metabolism in Vegan and Vegetarians.

It is said that before the Great Patriotic War, the chirromants and the fortune tellers celebrated a large number of destructive signs in those who predicted fate. And you have a current pandemic, which has greatly influenced the life of everyone, saw on the hands of customers?

I think about the chiromants before the war - myth. The most unfavorable sign is the short line of life, more precisely, not its length, and when it breaks down or black dots appear on it. But this does not mean that everyone urgently to war and die. As I said, the death of a person is difficult to predict, and and nothing. The question of the life expectancy of a person is exclusively a matter of God.

I do not take such responsibility, I taught me medicine. It happens, you think, the patient does not live until the morning, and he gets up and leaves, and another calmly discharged, and he took and died.

I answer your question - the epidemic of coronavirus in the hands is not visible.

Economic crises or pandemic somehow affect the influx of customers?

When there is no money, people think about how to buy food and pay for an apartment. When there is, you start picking up in your head. In the crisis and the clients' epidemic less, they are not engaged in "nonsense."

If the future is vaguely and foggy, then you can check you on the past?

Let's. Just keep in mind that it is not important what really happened in the life of a person, but how he responded to it. For someone divorce - nonsense, and for someone, the death of his beloved dog - injury for life.

Did you not change profession? The fact is that your index finger on the left hand with a bend, on the right it is more or less leveled, so I can assume that in the area of ​​28-30 years you have had changes in professional activities (this is true. - Here and further approx. author). Now let's see the middle finger, these are partnerships and marriage: he, too, with a bend, most likely, or a second marriage, or you are free (not true). There is a line of emigration - you either plan moving or have already moved (not true). The luck line indicates that at the age of 28-30 years was a successful period in life (truth), the hepatics line speaks of possible problems with the liver and bile (truth), the wrist lines have such a form that we can talk about serious difficulties in childbirth ( truth).

Children Two (though), a boy and a girl (not true, two boys), but the younger must be softer, more affectionate (though), the difference between the appearance of children is four years (five years).

What questions do you most often go to you, and with what are the women?

Women in principle come more often, they are more curious, they are interested in love, children. Men are worried about money and business, they rarely turn with questions about love, but not because they do not care. Men are experiencing their love tragedies more than women, and end the life of suicide on the basis of unfortunate love three times more often than women.

Unconventional orientation on hand can be seen?

If the line of the heart is straight, "monastic", then on a male hand it is usually a sign of one-sex love.

In women, they often admit sex with girlfriends in their fantasies, while being heterosexual.

Is there any Codex Homoanta? Do you tell people about destructive signs and negative forecasts?

In order for the code to be, you need chirromants, and they are not. Personally, I first of all, the doctor, customers for me - patients, and the only code - an oath of hippocrat "do not harm".

A beginner hairman when she sees a short line of life, it is terribly rejoicing and says: "Oh, you will die soon." My task so that the person leaves after the consultation is healthy, so I give only happy forecasts.

I thought I thought how to increase income, and decided to strengthen my money triangle - there is such a hand between the lines of fate, mind and health.

When I see destructive signs, I explain what it is better to do when the person of this age will reaches. A piece of shit happened - it is not necessary to smoke hot. DON'T PANIC, think about how to rake. Huge happiness fell away - how to save it. But if you do nothing and sit on the pope exactly, then nothing will change. The case finds prepared.

What are the most unusual questions as customers asked you?

I like a psychotherapist perfectly know that people often come to me with an unhealthy psyche, and the most curious questions, such as flying plates and aliens, ask schizoids.

By the way, there are two levels of schismity: the world saves the world from the world conspiracy, while others ensure the presence of higher strength on Earth. Here is a real case: the uncle came to me from the Primorsky Territory for a correction, so he specifically knew how to give birth to God, and not Ivan Ivanovich called himself, and Savimir. Only the woman could not find. After some time in the television program "Invisible man," where I performed as an expert Hiromanta, Anastasia Volochkova was, and this man again manifested itself with a request to get her phone number, as she is the ideal Mother of God.

Correctional chiromantia, or hirology, when on hand, color handle draw lines, remove breaks and defects, does it really work?

I think that yes. I will give a few examples. I had a period when the expenses for the family became very large, the money was disastrically lacked, although I was a deputy director of one decent private medical clinic, in parallel I taught yoga and was engaged in private practice.

I thought I thought how to increase income, and decided to strengthen my money triangle - there is such a hand between the lines of fate, mind and health. I bought a fountain pen in the kiosk and drew everything in my hand. The next day I come to work, the director calls me and offers the position of head physician. It turned out to be our chief physician, a dear man and a professor who had just quit. I asked for a couple of days at thought. After medical practice, I am going to teach yoga, and I have the head of the club and says: "Why don't you, Boria, not to do khiromantia, and we will provide you with customers?" In this situation, everything fell into place in this place: I always sought independence and independence, namely, it gave me a chiromantia.

But even when I make a correction on request, then I often begin to doubt - suddenly I deceive a person? But then customers return and tell ... And, it turns out, everything works.

Here is a recent example. The client from London calls, her daughter with meningitis in the clinic, everything is bad. She sends a photo of his daughter's hands, I make a correction in the pictures, then she independently repeats the same daughter on his hand. A day later, the girl is discharged from the hospital.

But if everything works so cool, why would all people do not draw a monetary triangle? Maybe the problem of global poverty would solve this way?

Of course, there are many money in the world, but they still do not have enough. Once - luck, two - luck, but needed and skill.

You can draw as much as you like, but it is unknown, whether you will make fate all this. Somehow a colleague-doctor comes to me, it works in two works, it is sutured, but there is no money. Draw a triangle of money. Six months later, it comes and says: "Boria, do something, I can not more, Pasha like a horse, no strength." I ask: "There is money?" "Of course," says, "but very hard." And how else can you earn money?

But it is necessary to understand that if you make a correction, then the karmic moments you will not deselect. The difficult period will still pass, simply in mild shape will take it as COVID-19 after vaccination.

And there are some rules how to make a correction? Looks like a gap on lines of life with a full moon, standing on the right leg? Or do you draw a monetary triangle every morning exactly at 7.15 for six months?

I did a similar correction only once in my life. When I reached a rupture on the line of life, who promised me a difficult period for more than a year, then every month I had some horror, literally life beat on my head. Then friends said that they had to draw something, but I did not. The ability to take with the same tranquility and good, and bad and there is home everyday wisdom, and I kept a blow.

Customers I have a fundamentally draw line once, it's like a letter to fate so that it fixes everything. In such things with fate, it is necessary to carefully contact: asked and wait. But if a person is very sick, I advise you to draw a week. Although it is rather an exception. True, some customers make tattoos or shock, thus changing their lines on the palm forever. This is their will, personally I prefer not to forcing events. The point is not that the specific drawing is on hand, the task is to fix the situation as a whole.

And the last question. At the highest primates, chimpanzees for example, there are lines of fate, mind, children, money?

Of course, both lines and dermatoglyphic drawings on the tips of the fingers, and the line of fate, and creativity, and lines of life. But neither I nor my colleagues study them. We will not run all their life behind monkeys.

Photo: from the personal archive of Boris Akimov

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