Zemer Valery Mribusova: "If the boys go to the army, then for girls there is an orchestra"

Zemer Valery Mribusova:

The current availability of creativity reduces the distance between the emergence of the idea and its embodiment. True, a classic path may be unpleasant to a nodogue and thorny. This is all about the singer Lero, who reached the solo project through the school, university and the orchestra. All this is definitely provided with a hardening, but at the moment it was so-so. I grabbed the reasons to lose faith in myself and your craft, but did not happen. Lera believes, they say, when everyone goes to the right, it is worth going to the left, and actively uses this principle in life.

Together with the FSP and Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra city festival, we continue the project in which the representatives of the Z generation (born from 1995 to 2010) will tell about their vision of the world. We will try to affect the wide range of interests of these guys: fashion, technology, sports, art, culture, business, family. Wishing to tell about themselves there were more than three hundred, we chose the most interesting and recorded a video. Each of them is the history of a separate zoom, which characterizes the generation as a whole.

Here are the main quotes from this video monitor:

I wanted to be an artist since childhood. Already in five years, concerts at the cottage. Listened by Michael Jackson, danced under him, put on some wigs and glasses, even spent castings. Then there was a wildly popular "Star Factory". We used her repertoire. I raged the numbers and said to whom, what and how to do. We collected suits from the cabinets of all our grandmothers. Just a raid for the citizens arranged. As a result, the program was planned, they did the scenes and sent everyone invitations. Adults and other children came to watch our performances. Up to the eighth grade, I really wanted to become an actress, but after I realized that I had more kissed me in the bundles and that I would like to be a singer and a musician who behaves myself. That is, I do not need a director who will say what to do, as it would be in the theater. I want to create my music and go to my way: wearing what I want to say what I want. If the boys go to the army, which is the army, then girls go to the army that the Orchestra Mikhail Yakovlevich Finberg. I went this way. We can assume that it served in the Israeli army. This is wild discipline, strict rules and lack of a compromise. For example, if the rehearsal begins at 9:30, you must come at 9:15 or 9:10 and hang out in place. And God forbid you will come at 9:35. And I had at 9:40 40 ... after you put in front of the whole team. It is unpleasant. But thanks to Finberg that once he promised not to interfere with things that I like. Therefore let go, albeit with a gnash. Everything happened. I am glad that I'm no more there. But this is a large part of life. In those tests passed my formation and development. We traveled any places. You start in Paris and finish in Novopolotsk. I was 15 years old when contests began. And immediately victory. The first places, the Grand Prix, somewhere you won the iPad, somewhere (at the Slavic Bazaar) - $ 15,000. I wanted to show myself and assess the level of other performers by gaining experience. The discipline is still important. Inspiration does not come like a muse at night at the light of the moon. Not! Motivate the deadlines, motivates the desire to become better and share their creativity with people. I always wanted to do something my own. Especially after numerous competitions. It should be understood that there you are doing not your repertoire. I sang Queen, Jamal, some, in general, Caver. At a certain point you are satisfied with all this and want to show your own. You really have something to say. I want to put your feelings for music. And it started at me in 17-18. Just my songs were lying in the table very long. We met Vlad. Was 2016, when I showed my sketches. He liked something. It became clear: we can do something interesting together. If everything went to the right, we went left. After the desire was formed no longer sing other people's songs, I wanted my ownSince then, we are creating under the VAL brand name. Val is not only a creative union. He was born in friendship. And then we already found each other in another moment. Probably happening when you meet a particular person when you are never bored. You can create and work, although it is very difficult. Very difficult. You kind of like you do not want to endure personal on the professional, but does not come out. You have just emotioned and reflexed, and now you need to stand on stage and create a good mood to other people. Here comes a clear understanding: the balance is needed in everything. The goal was simple: why not introduce a large number of people with our creativity? There was a feeling that it's time. We have something to share, we are, in principle, are ready. It so happened, so the stars coincided, everything resonated with our mood and the feeling of their ability to create independently. The victory in the selection for Eurovision is a great achievement. Because the spectators choose decent. We with Vlad was very nice that it happened. The most important thing is not to lose faith in yourself. Do not lose faith in what you are doing. Even when the whole world tells you "no". Once again: if everyone goes to the right, go to the left. Stick in all the doors. Just do not give up, do not stop working. You can go true, but slowly. If this makes you happy, no one has the right to ban you to continue.

We implement this project together with the Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra - a new shooting level smartphone that allows you to see the items that it was impossible to notice before. Remove in the revolutionary resolution of 8K and get high quality photos directly from the video. Open the new chapter in the history of mobile devices.

The special project was prepared with the support of Samsung Electronics Ltd., UNP 7703608910.

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