Crimea - About Crimean Jews with Tatar traditions


Modern ethnographers are called Crimeans from representatives of the Jewish people, which dreamed of the middle century on the Crimean lands. It is possible to call the Jews of Crimeans only in accordance with the genetic features, since the traditions of them more resemble Tatar.

At the same time, Crimeca managed to preserve some unique features of their people. This small ethnic group professes orthodox Judaism, talks in his own language. Scientists continue to argue, calling the ancestors of the people both Jews and Turks. Who are they are mysterious Crimeans?


Directly the term "Crimea" is a very conditional definition that appeared in the use of researchers only from the XIX century. At this time, the Crimea to the Russian Empire takes place.

The Talmudists' Jews were called by Crimeans, and the name of the nation pointed to the region of her residence. For a long time it was believed that Crimellians appeared on the peninsula after 1783, when the Jews are resettlement in the Crimea. However, the further study of the ethnos showed that the Jewish roots of Crimekov are from the Middle Ages.

I. S. Kaya, a famous enlightener, wrote:

"Crimea is a special group of Jews, which has long been living in the Crimean Peninsula and has greatly accepted Tatar culture."
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Rabbi Him Hezkayaga Medini, Spiritual leader of Crimeans at the end of the XIX century

The ancestors of Crimekov

Regarding the origin of Crimea, there are several assumptions. The most common among the scientists is inclined to the fact that this people is the descendant of the ancient Jewish population of the Crimea. The formation of the Crimean ethnic group begins approximately in the XIV-XV centuries. The basis for the emergence of a new nationality amounted to Jewish communities of Europe.

However, this version is only one of the many hypotheses. In his writings, the Turkologist A. N. Samoilovich proves that Khazar tribes may be an ancient ancestors, and C. Zabolotnaya and insisted at all at the unsessive origin of this nation. If the last assumption is true, then Crimeans adopted a lot of borrowing from the culture of Jews and Tatars, in the immediate vicinity of which their communities lived.

When the first ancestors of Crimekov appeared on the territory of the peninsula, it is difficult to say. As historians suggest, the first erenels of Jews in Crimea appeared already in the first century to our era. The reason for the resettlement of the Crimean Land is considered to suppress the uprising of Jews in the Roman Empire.

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Carlo Bossoli "Palace of Crimean Khan in Bakhchisaraye"

The first Jewish communities appeared in the Crimea in the XIII century in the cafe. Historical sources recorded the participation of Krymchak mediators in the negotiations of Ivan III and the Crimean Khan, and the part of the correspondence was carried out in Hebrew.

History of the people

In the XV century, the growth of the Jewish communions of the peninsula is observed. This process was triggered by the expulsion of the Jews from Byzantium, Italy, Russia. The Crimean Ethnic Science formed at that time began to merge with new settlers, gradually assimilated. These features of formation significantly influenced the Jewish culture of Crimea and, in particular, the customs of Crimeans.

Since Crimean's neighbors were the Crimean Tatars, their ethnic features could not not manifest themselves in another nation. If you look at Crimea National Costume, you can see both Jewish and Tatar elements. Tatar borrowing is manifested in the language of Crimea. Despite such obvious manifestations of Tatar culture, it did not affect the beliefs and life of Krymchakov.

At the time of the joining of Crimea, the Russian Empire was numbered on the peninsula, there were about 800 Crimeans belonging to the rabbinistic community of the peninsula. Low level of economic development of these lands did not allow the local culture.

As the Crimeans themselves indicated in the petition to Alexander I, there was not a single person who could speak Russian. Such features have negatively affected at the level of education, which was then carried out in the main language of the Empire.

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Drama of the cultural and educational society of Krymchakov Simferopol (1926)

Tragedy Krymchakov

Despite the difficulties, the number of Crimeans gradually increased. By the beginning of the last century, there were already more than 7 thousand people on the peninsula, and before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the number reached 10 thousand.

The centers of the residence of the people are Simferopol, Feodosia, Kerch. The names of the collective farms created in the 20s - "Crimea" and "Yeni Crimea" are also talking about the importance and prevalence of the ethnos.

The German occupation of the Crimea becomes the tragedy of Crimea. During the period of the German fascist invaders, about 75-80% of this group of the Peninsula population was destroyed. According to statistics, no people of the Soviet Union extended the Germans as violently as Crimea.

In the post-war years, there are only 700 Crimeans in the Crimea. The blow, applied with ruthless invaders, was fatal for the ethnos. Even in our time, the issue of the survival of Crimeans is an important problem. Today, only units among representatives of the nationality retained knowledge of the Hebrew language, a very small part can speak on Crimea dialect.

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Order in Feodosia during the occupation period

Nowadays, many religious traditions, which Krymchaki adhered to centuries were almost completely lost. In the modern Crimea, Crimea remain the most small people, because their number on these lands does not exceed the number of 400 people. What will happen to the community in the future - it is difficult to even assume.

Nevertheless, I believe that calling Crimeans with the extinct people early. The terrible losses and shocks of the last century were the tragedy of Krymchakov, but their ethnic community - albeit extremely small - continues to live.

Of course, a small group of people is extremely difficult to surrender among completely different cultures and beliefs, but many Semitic tribes have already proven that even the most incredible difficulties can overcome. Perhaps Krymchaki will also kill us in this.

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