Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February


    Good afternoon, my reader. In February, sow flowers with a large period of vegetation, it can be both annuals and twilights. Early landing will allow such plants to form for landing in open ground or street porridge.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_1
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Planting colors (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In order for your cottage plot at the very beginning of the summer season, the blossomed flowers were decorated, you need to plant seeds already in February.

    This flower is one of the most loved flowers, and few garden sites and balcony greenhouses do without it. In adulthood, he is unpretentious and blooms all summer to the autumn itself.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_2
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Petunia (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Difficulties can only be planting and picking the plant. Small seeds are distributed over the surface of the wet soil, they do not need to pour them out. Further, the container is covered with a transparent material and is removed for germination to a warm and dark place. After the seeds were fed and the first two leaves appeared on the sprouts, the film is cleaned. Keep track of soil moisture and do not allow it to dry.

    This is another beauty that will delight you with your color all season. And it will also feel well in winter on the windowsill.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_3
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Begonia (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Begonia seeds, like petunia, sow over the Earth. And otherwise the cultivation of seedlings is similar.

    This plant with small pink, blue and white flowers can be both ampel and soil. Lobelia will look great in the neighborhood with any colors.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_4
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Lobelia (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Ways to landing and growing are the same as the previous colors. And they are also advised to plant a few bush in Kashpo, so the composition will look more lush.

    This flower has a very long growing season, and from shortcomings to flowering may pass at least six months. Therefore, this carnation can be seeded even in January.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_5
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Carnation (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Seeds deepen into the soil at 0.5 cm and sprinkled with sand, it will protect the plant from the black leg. If you want to get a magnificent bush, you need to dive the flower at least two times.

    With the spring planting such plants they will bloom only the next year. Well, if the seeds are heated already in February to seedlings, then you can achieve flowering in the current season.

    The seeds of this plant are also not different, but they still need to be sprinkled with a small layer of land. If you put seeds according to the 5 * 5 cm scheme, then the seedlings can be raised without dive.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_6
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Pansies (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    With such an early crop Viola, it will bloom in June and will decorate the flowerbed to the most frosts.

    This twilight will bloom in the current season only under the condition of landing in winter. The plant is light-cup, so the seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of sand or sifted land and germinate in a light and warm place.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_7
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Daisy (photos with homeopathyplus.com)

    If Dwarves bloomed before disembarking at a permanent place, do not worry, they easily carry a transplant. In the first year, bloom may not be very abundant.

    If you decide to plant this flower, then you need to purchase seeds in advance. They require stratification within two weeks.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_8
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Primula (photo with FlowersAdvice.ru)

    Put the land into the container and compact it, and open the snow layer on top. Spread the seeds on the surface at a distance of at least 0.5 cm. Remove the closed tray in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks before shooting.

    With winter landing of this plant, it will bloom only closer to autumn.

    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers in February 7101_9
    Want in June blooming flower beds? Put these flowers already in February Nelya

    Lupine (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    To begin with, the seeds should be extended on a wet material, and then it is already searched on separate cups. So you do not have to dive Lupine, because it does not like this procedure.

    The landing of Chrysanthemum seeds should be held in winter, then this year she will be able to flourish on the flower. Plant seeds are simply slightly pressed into the wet soil and cover the container with the film before the appearance of germs. Picking the flower when 2-3 real leaves appear, and in May planted at a permanent place

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