Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open ground


    Good afternoon, my reader. To assemble a high crop of cucumbers, it is not necessary to put a greenhouse. You can grow cucumber bushes in the open soil. If you comply with certain rules and tricks, then the amount of crop will not be less greenhouse.

    Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open ground 7060_1
    Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open soil Maria Verbilkova

    Cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license ©

    High-quality seeds will allow not only to get high fruiting, but also a culture from many diseases. Choosing the seed material, you should pay attention not only to resistance to diseases, but for which certain varieties are intended.

    For preservation, small cucumbers covered with black tubercakes are suitable for preservation. And large varieties with light sinks are better to use fresh, for example in salads.

    To get an early harvest, the choice must be stopped on early varieties. The F1 marking will allow not to worry because of pollination of the bushes.

    Choosing a place to land the seeds, it is necessary to stop your attention on sites with the following features:

    • abundance of scattered light;
    • lack of drafts;
    • the ability of the soil to hold moisture;
    • heat.

    To provide cucumbers to protect against wind, drafts and bright sunlight, you can land around them corn. Milne places on the sites are able to accumulate moisture, for cucumbers it will be the best place to land.

    Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open ground 7060_2
    Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open soil Maria Verbilkova

    Cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license ©

    Do not put the planting of culture at the same place annually. For one or two years, the land will completely exhausted and will not be able to provide bushes with the necessary amount of nutrients for full-fledged development.

    In the open beds, seeds are planted only after the complete completion of frosts. The air temperature should not be descended below +20 ° C. Soil must warm up to +10 ° C.

    Sundered seeds are placed in the soil at a depth of no more than 2 and at least 1.5 cm. Not more than 5 bushes are planted for active growth and development of culture on 1m².

    Collection of ripe fruit is an important factor for the formation of the following urgents.

    The cucumbers are needed a large amount of moisture. It is necessary to regularly irrigate the garden with warm water, which is preferably heated under the sunny rays.

    For full development of cucumbers, humidity is required at 80%. Knit culture begins if the moisture drops to 40%. Timely irrigation is the key to a rich harvest.

    Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open ground 7060_3
    Simple rules for growing cucumbers in the open soil Maria Verbilkova

    Cucumbers. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The enrichment of soil with nutrients will allow to strengthen the immunity of plants and accelerate their growth. You can use both ready-made mineral complexes (strictly in accordance with the instructions) and organic substances.

    A faint solution of manganese will help to avoid many diseases. Before germination, the seeds are lowered into it for a short time. If they were carriers of infection, then mangartage completely disartins them.

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