Children believe that they hear, and not what they see

Children believe that they hear, and not what they see 7050_1

In the process of recognizing emotions, children give preference to hearing, and not what they see or feel another ...

Based on materials: El Pais, Mister Blister, Science Direct

They say: "It is better to see once, than to hear seven times." Perhaps this proverb applies to adults, because our life experience makes us doubt in many ways and need evidence for almost everything that we hear (and sometimes what we see). How is the case with children? Do they believe that they hear, but what do not see?

Not so long ago, the group of British psychologists studied this question, as a result of which the results of the study were published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology journal, proving that small children (under 8 years old) prefer that hear what they would see what they see and perceive with Other stimuli.

This discovery may be useful for parents and teachers of schools, help in teaching children to manage emotions - a very important aspect of emotional development.

The chief researcher of the project, Dr. Paddi Ross from the Department of Psychology of the University of Daurus, believes that it is impossible to underestimate the fact that children hear during any emotional conflict, quarrel or dispute. Small children are too believe that they hear to subsequently make a true judgment about emotions arising in a certain situation.

The report was published in January, and it emphasizes that several factors involving a pandemic, climatic conditions (winter cold) led to the fact that many children have recently spent more time at home with their parents and more often were in such situations.

"Given the fact that many children spend time at home, it is very important to understand how they perceive heard," says Dr. Ross.

The resulting conclusions may not just help parents and teachers deal with small children perceive emotions, but also allow you to understand how children with such disorders, like autism, detect and understand emotions.

Colavit Effect for Emotion Recognition

Effective emotion recognition is, if not mandatory, then the very necessary skill, allowing us to successfully function in various social contexts. Perceiving joy, sadness or fear in different situations, recognize them and manage the situation in which these emotions arose - both our own and the people around us. And if adults are usually better reacting to visual irritants (the effect of Collavit), then small children prefer what they hear.

And although it is difficult to say, whether it is a phenomenon to more complex social stimuli, it can certainly say that, trying to identify emotions, children sometimes ignore visual and other incentives, giving preference to auditory. Clinical Children's Psychologist Suzan Tari believes that it is very important to teach children to recognize emotions and manage them so that they can cope with the problems that arise in their lives are adequately - both in childhood and in adult life. In the first years of life, the child's brain is plastic, so it is important to use this stage for its cognitive and emotional development.

And if little children trust more to what they hear, it is important to understand that the words we say to them is a powerful weapon, which determines that the child will feel. Feeling control over all that happens to him, in this case that the child hears, is basic for the development of self-esteem, so it is very important to help him in this.

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