How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets 7039_1
How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

There is still a whole month of winter ahead, so hats and various hats are still relevant. But if you do not like the caps because they spoil hairstyles and hair, then it's time to just change care and change some habits on your hair. What exactly? Let's tell now!

Use nutrient cosmetics

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How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

In winter, hair becomes land, so they need to be eaten. Change your shampoo to nutritious and add a nutrient mask to the "diet", which should be done 1-2 times a week. If you have oily scalp, then apply air conditioning or mask only for hair length without affecting the roots. After some time after such a care, your hair will stop electrifying after caps and scarves.

Do not forget about thermal protection

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How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

In winter, we more often use a hairdryer, so add good thermal protection to your departure. Hair and so very weakened during this period of the year, so it is necessary to protect them from hot and dry air. Our advice - use the thermal protection agent in the spray that is suitable for any type of hair.

Another advice - in a strong frost, hide the hair under the headdress or clothing. In the cold, the hair becomes fragile and brittle, which is fraught with the hare and cross section of the tips.

Take care of the tips of the hair

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How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

In winter, attend the hairdresser about once a month to slightly imagine the tips of the hair and remove the secant parts. This will help your hair avoid koltuns and fragility.

Add additional funds to care

How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets 7039_5
How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

In addition to changing the main departure, add moisturizing serums, mousses or immersible sprays to routine. There are enough pairs of "PSHIKS" to enhance the hairs with a protective film and do not give them damage from cold weather and woolen caps.

How to keep the hairstyle under the cap?

To save laying or hairstyle under a cap or handkerchief, you should use a dry shampoo or texturing spray on the roots, and the length is slightly fixed with a slight straw for hair without gluing.

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How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

Be sure to give the hair to cool well after the hair dryer or curl so that the hat does not spoil the laying. And do not wear too tight hats, it is not useful not only for hair, but also for your head as a whole.

How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets 7039_7
How to keep the beauty of the hair under the cap? We share secrets

We hope our tips will help you preserve elasticity, shine and hair health in the snow and cold period. Or maybe you yourself know lifchats for hair for the winter period? Share in the comments!

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