Damp from Bypol: about the death of Taraykovsky, weapons and camp. MAVD: "We will not comment on the fakes"

Damp from Bypol: about the death of Taraykovsky, weapons and camp. MAVD:

Today, a 12-minute audio recording appeared on the YouTube Channel of the Union of Silovikov. It is heard on it, similar to the voice of the current deputy minister, and earlier the head of Golopik Nikolai Karpenkov (confirm or refute this information at the moment is impossible). The recording is discussed by the weapon, which appeared in Belarusian Silovikov, we are talking about the death of Taraykovsky, as well as how the methods of security forces will apply against protesters. We publish the most important points. We also called in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to clarify whether such a conversation was or this fake.

When the record is made, it is not known exactly. But most likely, at the end of October, because the phrase sounds in the record: "Therefore, Ivan Vladimirovich Kubrakov is appointed Minister, Major General, today he was handed over Lieutenant-General. Lieutenant General's Shoulder Epaulets of the current Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ivan Kubrakov was presented on October 30 last year.

At the beginning of the recording, we are talking about a new weapon, which Belarusian security forces received in Russia, is Yarygin Pistol. Further, the voice tells about the advantages, pros and cons of this pistol.

- And even if it turns out, take the charged ... it is not necessary, it does not shoot, then it stands on the fuse. And if it turns out, discharge, respectively, [inaudible], it was a feeling that maybe in general this is a traumatic weapon - continues his voice. - We, it turns out, took the cardboard box yesterday. In four rows, it was folded, put on the chair [inaudible], it turns out, they took and experienced. It turns out a cardboard box through and stool through, it turns out, and it is clear that this drunkard died and moron, how is it?

Someone's voice is heard, which calls the last name: "Taraykovsky".

- Yes, Taraykovsky, yes, drunkard and moron. He died, of course, from the rubber bullet, who flew to him in the chest. He stood there in T-shirt, and, I think that on the reverse side of the T-shirt she will not get stuck, "the voice continued.

Then he says that the Belarusian security forces appealed for the weapon described by the weapon.

- They said that we were lacking, it turns out, traumatic weapons. What we basically, it turns out, you have to task with a rubber stick or a fist. Somewhere behind this, in an exception, it turns out, to apply high-sound grenades, somewhere to go to certain tricks on unlocking roads. But it is necessary, of course, we are traumatic weapons, "says the voice.

- And so, it turns out, at the direction of the head of state, it is purchased, it turns out, 100 pistols: 30 went to the Camp, 20 went to the "diamond", and 50 pistols handed over to us - noted on audio. - If a group leaves somewhere, the simplest thing, as we had, that Alexivich left, it was necessary to delay this moron, which rises on a motorcycle, and there was a situation where it was "smashed." Perfectly, it turns out, we needed two or three such guns. Therefore, on particularly complex tasks, I, as a boss, make a decision on additional [illegible], the power is incredible with him.

About "camps"

- Created a database. In this database - who fell a second time, he should stay there. It is said to develop, make a camp, make a camp, well, not for prisoners of war, not for an interned even, and the camp for especially "stiff", such for the removal. And put barbed wire, it turns out around the perimeter. Two rooms do: firefall - floor, fed - floor to work. But they keep them there, until everything calms down, - the voice says.

On the use of weapons

In addition, the audio recordings are discussed how and in what cases the security forces should use weapons.

"Therefore, as the president said that, if rushing on you, if rushing on you, - apply weapons, it turns out that it is non-leaven. In the focus: on the legs, in the stomach, in the eggs. To realize that he created and what did you run when it comes into consciousness. Well, apply something in such a way, well, the form: either cripple, or to divert or kill. Apply the weapon to him right in the forehead, right in the forehead, right in the face, right there, after which he is already never, it turns out, will not return to the state in which he was, - says the voice. - Well, they give up - so fade. He will not have half a brain, well, there he and the road. Because mostly all those who go to the streets at the moment to participate in the rail war, it turns out that those who block the road attack the police, throw the Molotov cocktails, are the same terrorists. These are extra people in our country.

- The time has come when, it turns out, not a single law enforcement officer even, the riots, should not go on mass riots, without having a gunshot weapon. Therefore, another time came. Time, it turns out, hard actions with a loaf on, say, political moments, as we, it turns out, a country that is integrated into the world community and is obliged to comply with a number of certain actions so that we don't look like a row, this is the time It ended. There was another time, and this time, it turns out, requires younger, more decisive people who crossed themselves.

And the most important thing is the most important thing - there are managers in the teams, and these managers, it turns out if you find the salt in the words of the minister, these managers should not bring, as is among our personnel, among us. That everyone was alive, healthy, fulfilled the tasks, assigned order and started their further daily work.

About special needs

- As grandfather said Lenin: in the country, only one side has the right to apply weapons - this is the state. All the rest, who will take the weapon, are bandits. Bandits and terrorists, and the attitude towards them should be so.

Those instructions that only paint, only with gas, and in no way, and do not water, and it turns out, this car (most likely we are talking about water vehicles. - Approx. Onliner) It moves 200 liters of water in its technical characteristics in one second. Here, at the desired point. This is, consider that the barrel flew into your side. Then the blow is such that this is if a person is not far or in front of the pillar or in a crowd, it can straight it directly, [inaudible], it is only thus applied. And be sure to gas, be sure to gas!

The head of state we are covered on all sides in terms of applying weapons. Madly, says, immediately, says, of course, you don't need to bend from weapons. It must be said to give a man a chance in this situation so that he realizes. But if not, if not, then, it turns out, already shirt so shirt! Because time is, not a color revolution - a hybrid war.

About awards

- And if we do not resist, the next reason will be associated with the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation, the collapse will go to her, and then, he says, little of this Belarus will remain: they will be divided between Lithuania, between Ukraine and between Poland. Therefore, it was not for nothing that the minister said: everything keeps on the organs of the internal and number of divisions - internal troops, police department, riot police, our division and wanted list with us. Here, in principle, briefly, "says the voice. - said that everyone will be awarded. He said that even if there are thousands of awards, then those who, it turns out will be in direct clashes, award the Order "For Personal Courage". Those who were, it turns out was in collisions, fulfilled the tasks, resistant tolerated and deprivation, submit to awarding the medal "for the difference in public order protection". Even if, he says, it will be thousands, I, says, let these awards sign. Here, in principle, the fact that today the president spoke.


For a comment on audio recordings Onliner appealed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Official comment appeared after lunch.

- We did not comment on and we will not comment on the fakes. The tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are the protection of public order, ensuring security and the fight against crime. In our activities, we are guided by law, - noted the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus Olga Somododoz.

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