This is my city: Managing Partner ADG GROUP Gregory Pechersky

This is my city: Managing Partner ADG GROUP Gregory Pechersky 703_1

On the reconstruction of Moscow district cinemas and how Moscow is able to combine heritage with modern infrastructure.

I was born…

In Kaliningrad.

Now I live ...

I live in Moscow since 2000. Now it is the area of ​​patriarchal ponds.

I love to walk in Moscow ...

In the center. The lively metropolitan life here is organically adjacent to the rich historical heritage, and walking on extended sidewalks - one pleasure.

My favorite area ...

Khamovniki. Very comfortable area with a rich history, where the cult sports complex "Luzhniki" is located. As a result of the improvement program, there was an incredibly beautiful and convenient garden-park ensemble, where I love to spend time with my family. You can just take a walk or actively play sports in open areas, and in the summer to go on bicycles along the embankments. Another important point of attraction for me was the updated Palace of Water Sports and the Academy of Boxing, where I go to workout with great pleasure.

My unloved area ...

There are simply no such. I believe that bad districts cannot and should not exist in the city with a competently developed infrastructure, which is Moscow. To do this, in every residential area, regardless of the remoteness from the center, there must be their attraction centers. It is important that millions of Muscovites do not just live in their apartments, but also had such a meeting place near the house, where you can spend time with your family, it is interesting to relax, eat tasty. Previously, there were cinemas with such a unifying place, but then many of them closed or dilapidated to such an extent that it was no longer possible to carry out the film conveyance. Therefore, we started reconstructing them into district centers, while maintaining the historical function of the film and the embodying concept, taking into account modern world trends.

The main difference between Muscovites from residents of other cities ...

Moscow, as befits a megalopolis, unites people from all over the world, therefore, in my opinion, Muscovites today are no longer about the place of birth according to the passport. These are active, active and initiative people who are full of new ideas and determination for their implementation and which never leave the spirit of the discoverer.

Moscow is better than in New York, Berlin, Paris, London ...

All these cities are not just megacities, but world attraction points, but Moscow, in my opinion, is distinguished by a combination of high technologicality with historical past, convenience and comfort. For example, in New York there is no such rich history as in Moscow or old good Europe. At the same time, Moscow managed to combine this heritage with modern infrastructure and in recent years has become just a stunning city in which it is really convenient to live. For example, in the historical regions of London, people can not be replaced with old window frames to new, and our capital like me in this regard much more: Moscow is distinguished by high adaptability to the best world practices. No wonder last year, Moscow entered the top 10 dynamically developing cities in ranking Cities in Motion, compiled by Navarre University Business School (IESE). Moscow is a modern beautiful city with bright architecture.

In Moscow, over the past decade has changed ...

Moscow has become much comfortable. It is formed in accordance with the best world trends of the development of large cities, while maintaining harmony: on the one hand, this is the rapid introduction of high technologies in our daily life, and on the other - the active improvement of numerous parks under the Moscow Mayor program. It's very cool, because in the rhythm of life that the capital dictates, we all sometimes simply need rest in a green and well-groomed forest bel. Sergei Sobyanin and his team have largely changed Moscow for the better - there were loud projects that determine the appearance of the city, as well as small, but from the equally important transformations. For example, all telephony and power lines removed under the ground, and now the sky of the capital does not spoil this web, which is especially noticeable when comparing photos today and ten years ago. Today it is a city that motivates and invites people to an active lifestyle in all directions: actively learn, engage in sports, increase the cultural level, participate in world events.

I want to change in Moscow ...

I want to make the city more comfortable for the residents of the bedrooms, and therefore, as part of the ADG Group, a project is actively implemented by the District Meeting Place Centers, during which we reconstruct outdated Moscow cinemas. We preserve the historical function of the film. New cinemas will be modern multiplexes. Depending on the object in each cinema on average five to six cinema halls. We do so that in walking distance from home everyone has such a place where it is interesting to spend time with family or neighbors, relax and delicious to eat, buy all the most necessary. This is a very correct concept from the point of view of global trends - such large cities as Moscow should become more decentralized and accessible to all, including people with disabilities. Therefore, in the district centers, we create barrier-free spaces, and cinema halls equip places for low-cattle citizens.

If not Moscow, then ...

St. Petersburg. My wife and I love to hold a weekend in museums.

My future plans…

The plans to continue to develop district centers and make a comfortable life of millions of Muscovites. Seven district centers are now open, and 39 is planned, and each of them becomes a real attraction center, where people can get high-quality leisure and acquire all the most necessary without having to leave their area without the need.

Business can not exist without ...

No social responsibility. Be sure to support those who are acute. We have long been supporting the Foundation "House with Lighthouse", and on March 21, the premiere of a charitable performance will be held at the Contemporary Theater with the support of Pechersky Family Foundation, which Marina is engaged in. The setting will be the property of the "House with Lighthouse" Foundation, and all the funds reversed from the sale of tickets will be aimed at the help of incurable sick children and young adults. Therefore, I invite everyone to visit the performance "Mom, and who is it in the photo?" And give heat and care to those who need them.

Photo: From the personal archive of Grigory Pechersk

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